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Private Sector Policies and Procedures

Mayer Brown

Novo Manual De Diretrizes De Programa De Integridade Para Empresas Privadas Da CGU

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Em 15 de outubro de 2024, a ControladoriaGeral da União (“CGU”) publicou o Volume II do “Manual Programa de Integridade: Diretrizes para Empresas Privadas” (“Manual”), que estabelece novas recomendações para a implementação,...more

Mayer Brown

CGU’s New Integrity Program Guideline for Private Companies

Mayer Brown on

On October 15, 2024, the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (Controladoria-Geral da União or “CGU”) published Volume II of its Integrity Program Guideline for Private Companies (“Manual Programa de Integridade:...more

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

[Webinar] 2024 Labor & Employment Law Virtual Update - September 18th, 8:30 am - 11:00 am ET

It has been a particularly busy year on the labor and employment law front. To learn more about the major challenges employers face and developments your organization needs to address before year's end, we encourage you to...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Private Sector Employers Face $50,000 Fine for Vaccine Mandates, New Texas Law Says

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Seyfarth Synopsis: Texas has joined a number of other states in prohibiting employers, including healthcare providers, from requiring their workforces to be vaccinated against COVID-19. As a result, employers in Texas must...more

A&O Shearman

Annex - How big is the New Zero financing gap?

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Methodology - For this report we used a definition of climate finance aligned with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Standing Committee on Finance, which states: “Climate finance aims at...more

A&O Shearman

How big is the Net Zero financing gap?

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The transition to a low-carbon, resilient, and just economy is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. Institutions that are well prepared to embark on Net Zero pathways will be able to take full advantage of...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

CISA Releases COVID-19 Recovery Tabletop Exercise Package

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On July 17, 2020 the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released the COVID-19 Recovery CISA Tabletop Exercise Package (CTEP) “to assist private sector stakeholders and critical infrastructure owners and...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Revised Federal “Advisory” Guidance on “Essential” Critical Infrastructure and Workforce Issued, Which Could Affect the Scope of...

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Seyfarth Synopsis:  The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency (CISA), on behalf of the Federal government, has issued a revised advisory memorandum listing “essential” infrastructure and workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

“Essential Critical Workforce” Guidance for the Real Estate Industry, Specifically for Commercial Landlords Amid the COVID-19...

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Seyfarth Synopsis: As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and affect our lives and businesses across the U.S., we are continually following the latest updates and providing insight. ...more

Best Best & Krieger LLP

[WEBINAR] Creating an Accessible City

This webinar by Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Michael Maurer covers the basic requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to public facilities, with an emphasis on the public right of way. Michael...more

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

#MeToo Legal Impact Remains Unclear

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The rise of the #MeToo movement is raising the question of whether sensitivity to sexual harassment of university employees will result in new policies and procedures similar to increased protections students received over...more

Carlton Fields

Collaboration Key to Combatting Cyber Threats: Federal Government Issues Final Guidance Clarifying Liability Protection for...

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On June 15, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) jointly issued final guidance on how the private sector and government will communicate cyber threat data and defensive measures under...more

Morgan Lewis

New OHADA Uniform Act Streamlines Collective Insolvency Proceedings

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Innovations to the Act in late 2015 seek to modernize and simplify collective proceedings in OHADA member states. On 10 September 2015 in Grand-Bassam (Republic of Côte d’Ivoire), the Organization for the Harmonization...more

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