Understanding the New DEI Executive Order: What's the Tea in L&E?
Unveiling the Impact: How Georgia's Open Records Act Affects Private Businesses — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Torres Talks Trade Podcast- Episode 2- Cybersecurity, the Department of Defense, and the Private Sector/Government Contracting
The State of Cyber: Breaking Down Recent Rules and Regulations
Ransomware, Geopolitical Tensions, and the Race to Regulate
ASC 842: Private Companies On The Clock After Delay
#WorkforceWednesday: Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandate, NY HERO Act Safety Plans, Cannabis Cases - Employment Law This Week®
Anti-Corruption Compliance and Enforcement Trends in the US and Globally
Industry Implications of EO on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity
DHS and Cyber: What Should Companies Expect?
Compliance Perspectives: Supply Chains, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Compliance Perspectives: The FBI on Why and How to Work with the Office of the Private Sector
[WEBINAR] Creating an Accessible City
Straight Talks: Autonomous regulations around the world
Portland, like many U.S. metro areas, has an abundance of office vacancies and a shortage of housing. These issues are not news, but rather an obvious — and fixable — disconnect between two real estate market sectors....more
To accelerate redevelopment of aged and dilapidated buildings in Hong Kong, the Government enacted the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Amendment) Ordinance 2024 on 25 July 2024....more
Recent disruptions in the global food supply chains have highlighted Africa's urgent need to become self-sufficient in food production. Traditionally, the continent has turned to small-scale community-based agricultural...more
Alternative Technical Concepts (ATCs) are an important tool that government agencies use, and private entities can take advantage of, to optimize the efficiency and creativity of the solutions available for any given project....more
The concept of art in public places is well-established in the United States. As early as the 1930s, the federal government created New Deal programs that paid artists to create works of art for display in municipal buildings...more
Among other policy initiatives, the Trump Administration has advocated for the need to improve the nation’s infrastructure in order to maintain America’s economic competitiveness. In its recently released 2018 proposed...more
El 24 y 25 de Septiembre, el condado de Miami-Dade realizó un instituto de las P3 denominado “The P3 Pipeline: A Forum for the Private Sector” (La vía de las P3: un foro para el sector privado). Entre los temas tratados en el...more