California Employment News: Effective Disciplinary Procedures and Policies (Podcast)
California Employment News: Effective Disciplinary Procedures and Policies
A Primer on the Texas Bar Disciplinary System | Seana Willing | Texas Appellate Law Podcast
On October 10, 2024, multiple U.S. federal and state agencies cumulatively fined a number of US based Toronto Dominion Bank subsidiaries (collectively, TD Bank or the Bank) more than $3 billion after finding that TD Bank...more
A social media company and its wholly owned subsidiary sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for conducting an offering of an unregistered digital security claimed that the agency was wrong in its characterization of...more
Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Board of Trade settled related disciplinary actions for speculative position limits violations. The CFTC sanctioned the trading firm while the CBOT sanctioned the...more
While I hate to start out a posting with such “mumbo jumbo” terms, I had to come up with short hand descriptions of some otherwise fairly complex and robust topics under the new DOJ Guidance....more
The US Department of Justice vehemently opposed the request for a new trial by the first person charged, convicted and sentenced under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s prohibition against...more