News & Analysis as of

Proxy Statements Enforcement Actions

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Things to Keep in Mind for Your Annual Report on Form 10-K and Proxy Statement

We invite you to read our latest client alert to assist in the preparation of your 10-K and 2025 annual meeting proxy statement. This alert highlights new disclosure requirements, hot topics and regulatory enforcement actions...more

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

[Webinar] ESG Outlook: Preparing for the 2025 Reporting Season - December 17th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST

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Join Bass, Berry & Sims and leading environmental, social, and governance (ESG) along with corporate and securities thought leaders for the next installment of our ESG Impact Webinar series. As public companies prepare for...more

Fenwick & West LLP

Securities Law Update - November 2024

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Welcome to the latest edition of Fenwick’s Securities Law Update....more


Why Can’t We Be Friends?


Recently, the SEC announced settled charges against a former chairman/CEO and director of Church & Dwight Co. Inc., for violating proxy disclosure rules by standing for election as an independent director without informing...more

A&O Shearman

SEC Brings Charges Under Enforcement Initiative Directed at Insider Report Compliance Failures

A&O Shearman on

On September 27th, 2023, the SEC brought charges against six officers, directors and major shareholders of public companies for repeated failures to make timely filings pursuant to Section 13 and Section 16 of the Securities...more

Stinson - Corporate & Securities Law Blog

SEC Charges Company for Failing to Evaluate and Disclose Board Member’s Lack of Independence

The SEC announced settled charges against formerly publicly-traded Leaf Group Ltd. for failing to adequately evaluate and disclose in its annual proxy statement the lack of independence of a director and a board committee as...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

SEC Takes Aim at SPACs

March Madness extends into April as the Commission markedly increases its focus on SPACs. Surprise pronouncements call into question use of the PSLRA safe harbor for projections and accounting treatment for warrants....more


When Perquisites Stop Being Fun And Create Serious Liability Risks To An Issuer

Goodwin on

Last week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) brought enforcement actions against a company and its former CEO for failure to adequately disclose certain compensation and related party transactions. The move...more

Stinson LLP

SEC Charges Company for Undisclosed Perquisites

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In a settled enforcement action, the SEC charged Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd. with failure to disclose perquisites provided to its CEO and board member, Mark E. Watson III. In an interesting twist, the SEC charged...more

Mayer Brown Free Writings + Perspectives

Another Perqs Related Order from the SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the entry of an order settling charges against a registrant relating to the failure to disclose fully perquisites and benefits provided to the former chief executive officer. ...more

Stinson - Corporate & Securities Law Blog

SEC Charges Company for Undisclosed Perqs

In a settled enforcement action, the SEC charged Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd. for failure to disclose perqs provided to its CEO and board member, Mark E. Watson III....more

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

Navigating the Maze: Which SEC Rules Apply to Your Non-GAAP Financial Measure Disclosures

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The recent SEC enforcement action against ADT Inc. for its failure to comply with the SEC’s equal prominence requirements applicable to non-GAAP financial measures, as outlined in our recent blog post, is a clear reminder...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Capital Markets & Public Companies Quarterly: Changes to SEC Review of Shareholder Proposals, Expansion of Testing-the-Waters,...

McDermott Will & Emery on

In the third quarter of 2019, the SEC Staff announced major changes to the standard no-action request review and response process relating to shareholder proposals. In addition, the SEC expanded the availability of...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

SEC Administrative Proceedings Against Public Companies for Failure to Remediate Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Over...

Public reporting companies that have material weaknesses in their internal control over financial reporting (“ICFR”) are required under Rule 308 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, to report such material...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Avoiding SEC Enforcement with Perk Disclosure Audits by Legal Experts

Compensation committees should hire an independent legal expert to audit private jet and other perk disclosures on a privileged basis. Given the SEC’s increased focus on perk disclosure, companies should evaluate their...more

Fenwick & West LLP

SEC Imposes $1.75 Million Penalty Against Issuer for Using Wrong Standard for Disclosing Executive Perquisites

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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced on July 2, 2018, that The Dow Chemical Company had agreed to a cease and desist order and to pay a $1.75 million penalty for failing to disclose certain expenses as...more

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP

Company Hammered with $1.75 Million Penalty for Failure to Disclose Executive Perquisites

SEC faults internal controls, employee training and requires retention of independent consultant - Using analysis that could easily be applied to other areas of disclosure, the SEC recently underscored the need for...more

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

Recent SEC Enforcement Action Reminds Companies that Perquisite Disclosure Does Not Hinge on Business Purpose

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC on

On July 2, the SEC announced that The Dow Chemical Company agreed to settle charges related to the company’s inadequate perquisites disclosure in SEC filings by paying a civil penalty in the amount of $1.75 million, hiring an...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

SEC Issues $1.75 Million Penalty Over Perks Disclosures

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A recent SEC consent order against The Dow Chemical Company reminds companies that when evaluating whether or not to disclose a payment or benefit to an executive as a perk in a proxy statement, the fact that the item has a...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

SEC Charges CEO with Failing to Disclose Perks to Shareholders

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

Companies frequently wrestle with perks in their proxy executive compensation disclosure. Whether an item constitutes a perk often requires judgment based on the facts and circumstances, and disclosure may elicit intense,...more

Stinson - Corporate & Securities Law Blog

SEC Targets Lapses in Ownership Reporting in Battles for Corporate Control

The SEC has recently announced settlement of enforcement actions targeting violations of beneficial reporting requirements under Section 13(d) of the Act. In one of the most recent actions (available here), the SEC’s...more

Fenwick & West LLP

Baby You Can Drive My Car… Or Corporate Jet: SEC Scrutiny of Executive Compensation Perks Disclosures

Fenwick & West LLP on

The SEC continues to focus on accounting and disclosure violations, including in the area of executive perks disclosure in corporate proxy statements. In the past year, the SEC brought two enforcement cases against executives...more

Stinson - Corporate & Securities Law Blog

SEC Brings Another Enforcement Action For Failure to Disclose Perks

MusclePharm Corporation, or MSLP, and certain related parties recently settled an SEC enforcement action which included charges related to non-disclosure of certain perks. The SEC alleged from 2010 through July 2014, MSLP...more


Financial Services Weekly News Roundup - June 2015 #4

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Regulatory Developments - Client Alert: SEC Proposes Pay for Performance Rules: Goodwin Procter’s Capital Markets practice has issued a Client Alert on the SEC’s proposed rule that would require most public...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

SEC Enforcement Actions for Failure to File Timely Reports (under Sections 16(a), 13(d) and 13(g) of the Exchange Act)

Last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced settled charges against (i) 28 officers, directors and major beneficial owners of publicly traded companies that failed to file Schedules 13D and 13G and...more

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