News & Analysis as of

Reasonable Accommodation Employment Policies Educational Institutions

Fisher Phillips

Summer Reading for Educational Leaders: Resources to Help You Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year

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As you recover from another whirlwind of a school year, we hope you can take some time to relax and enjoy your summer break. The next few months will be the perfect time to – at your leisure – catch up on this past year’s...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Understanding the New Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and Full Scope of Pregnancy-Related Discrimination Laws for Schools

On June 27, 2023, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”) went into effect. This new law requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” for the known limitations of a worker relating to pregnancy,...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Breast Milk Pumping Rights – DOL Alert on Teachers and Other Newly Protected Workers

The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (“PUMP Act”), enacted by Congress in late December 2022, provides more nursing mothers with reasonable break time to express breast milk after childbirth and...more

Fisher Phillips

Forecast: April 2022 Edition

Fisher Phillips on

Welcome to FP Forecast, a monthly outlook featuring Fisher Phillips thought leaders providing their insights into what employers can expect in 2022 and beyond. By following along each month, you’ll be in the best position to...more

Fisher Phillips

Detailed FAQs for Schools on the OSHA Vaccine Emergency Temporary Standard

Fisher Phillips on

Educational institutions across the country are facing an upcoming compliance deadline as the mandate-or-test workplace vaccine emergency rule will soon take effect (pending the outcome of ongoing litigation). The rule will...more

Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC

COVID-19 in the Workplace - PPP Update, COVID Plans from the Biden Transition Team, Higher Education Relief Package Provision,...

In these sessions, we not only summarize the week’s latest federal and state guidance, we will also offer insights on: - All aspects of employment law compliance - Paycheck Protection Program, tax credits and other economic...more

Fisher Phillips

What Employers And Educational Institutions Need To Know About EEOC’s Proposed Guidance On Religious Discrimination

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The EEOC recently released a draft of its updated guidance on religious discrimination, which – if adopted and finalized – could alter the legal standards applied in workplace disputes for the nation’s employers generally and...more

Franczek P.C.

Coronavirus: What Should Schools, Colleges, and Universities Do Now?

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The risk of coronavirus may be lower than the flu, but with the numbers of cases and fatalities growing in China and a handful of cases in the United States, some are calling for schools, colleges, and universities to take...more

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