News & Analysis as of

Reasonable Accommodation Employment Policies Former Employee

Clark Hill PLC

Lactation Accommodation Results in Misconduct Firing, Tenth Circuit Affirms

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Here’s an interesting case that at first blush appears to be an accommodations case, but on a deeper dive is a workplace misconduct case. In Spagnolia v. Charter Communications LLC, The Tenth Circuit Appeals affirmed the...more

DarrowEverett LLP

2023 Employment Law Updates: Q1 Developments from Pregnancy to Polyamory

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As we discussed in our annual update back in December, employers continue to see extensive developments on the labor and employment front as they progress through 2023. Aside from the minimum wage increases, pay...more

Fisher Phillips

Forecast: March 2022 Edition

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Welcome to FP Forecast, a monthly outlook featuring Fisher Phillips thought leaders providing their insights into what employers can expect in 2022 and beyond. By following along each month, you’ll be in the best position to...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Attorneys Provide Updates on Rapidly Changing Aspects of Employment Law

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

Several Ward and Smith attorneys provided updates on some of the fastest-changing areas of employment law during the firm’s 2019 Employment Law Symposium....more

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission...

Otto Candies to Pay $165,000 to Resolve EEOC Disability Discrimination Suit

Marine Transportation Provider Fired Deckhand Because of His Recurrent Pancreatitis, Federal Agency Charged - NEW ORLEANS - Otto Candies, LLC has agreed to pay a former employee $165,000 and provide other relief to settle...more

Fisher Phillips

Nevada Employer Pays $3.5 Million To Settle “100-Percent Healed” Claim

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Nevada Employer Pays $3.5 Million To Settle “100-Percent Healed” Claim - Slots chain employer Dotty’s recently agreed to pay $3.5 million to settle litigation alleging its “100-percent-healed” policy discriminates against...more

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