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Reasonable Accommodation Employment Policies Voting Rights


Employment Law Update: Employers – Know Your Election Leave Obligations

Whiteford on

The Presidential election is days away. Employers should be up to date on their obligations regarding an employee’s right to vote. In Virginia, there is no general statute that requires employers to give employees time off...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

It’s An Election Year: Understanding Restrictions on Employer Actions Regarding Employee Political Activity

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis:  In six months, the U.S. presidential election will take place and inevitably employee views on the elections and election issues will make their way into the workplace.  In yesterday’s highly polarized...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Voting Leave: Do You Know Your State’s Law?

Fox Rothschild LLP on

It’s October 30th, only four days from Election Day 2020, meaning there’s still time remaining (albeit not very much) to read up on your state’s laws regarding voting leave from work. Of course, marking Election Day this...more


Election Year Issues in the Workplace

FordHarrison on

While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed some aspects of how the 2020 Presidential election is conducted, employers are facing many of the same questions they have faced in the past, such as whether they are required to give...more


Getting Ready for Election Day: Employee Voting

Verrill on

Election Day is right around the corner. While many employees may choose to vote by mail, chances are you may have employees requesting time away from the workplace (or a remote work set-up) to vote in person. Now is a better...more

Burr & Forman

Voting Leave Laws

Burr & Forman on

Do you know what your state requires when it comes to allowing employees time off to vote? Find out which states require voting leave and what employer actions might interfere with employees’ voting rights. ...more


Dear Littler: What are our voting leave obligations?

Littler on

Dear Littler: We are a nationwide company with some employees working at our brick-and-mortar locations and some employees working remotely due to the pandemic. With the election coming up, employees in various states are...more

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