News & Analysis as of

Reasonable Accommodation Human Resources Professionals Service Animals


Bite with no Bark: Eighth Circuit Recognizes Limitations on Certain ADA Accommodations

Dentons on

In attempting to assess the complicated balance between an individual employee’s need for a service animal and the requirements of clients, customers, patients, and the workplace as a whole, the Eighth Circuit has weighed in...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Is the Office Going to the Dogs? “Ruff” Questions on Service and Emotional Support Animals

Can you have a no pets at work policy? What if an employee has a service dog? What if it is an emotional support dog? As with all things legal (and ADA), it depends, and you should give some thought and engage in an...more

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

Service Animals in the Workplace

Service animals fulfill a vital function for their handlers. They allow people who have disabilities that substantially limit one or more major life areas to function independently....more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

[Event] 2020 Vision: Preparing for a Crystal Clear Year - March 25th, Jacksonville, FL

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

Join attorneys at Jackson Lewis P.C. for a complimentary breakfast seminar exploring the latest issues in workplace law. Topics: The Coronavirus: What Employers Should Be Doing to Prepare for Emergencies. Employers are...more


12 Days of HR: Flashback Friday—“I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” and Employee Requests for Service Animal Accommodations

Verrill on

Because of how often we hear from clients regarding requests for “emotional support” animals to accompany employees to work, we figured a refresher on how to handle these types of situations would be appreciated. While we do...more

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