News & Analysis as of

Reasonable Accommodation Independent Contractors Corporate Counsel


July is Still the New January! Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute’s Mid-Year Legislative Report

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Hot off the press – here is Littler’s mid-year report!  As federal regulators, states and cities continue to pass new workplace regulations through the calendar year, we summarize each state’s notable labor and employment law...more

Fisher Phillips

October 2020: The Top 11 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC

Employers Likely to Face a Wave of COVID-19 Class Action Litigation

As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to drastically impact the U.S., class action lawsuits have been on the rise. Despite court closures, class action filings have increased and are expected to continue. ...more

Allen Matkins

2020 Labor & Employment Law Update for California Employers

Allen Matkins on

As 2019 draws to a close, it is time to take a close look at some of the most important new laws that have been passed which will affect California employers in 2020 and beyond. As always, employers should review their...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

New York’s Latest Expansions to Human Rights Laws Shake Up Employment Landscape

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Seyfarth Synopsis: The New York City Council voted to expand the anti-discrimination and retaliation provisions of the Human Rights Law to freelancers and independent contractors. The bill is awaiting the Mayor’s signature. ...more

Fisher Phillips

Looking Ahead – California Legislature to Address Dynamex and a Host of New Employment Proposals

Fisher Phillips on

February 22 was the last day to introduce new legislative proposals for the 2019 California legislative year. A whopping 2,576 bill were introduced before the deadline, making for an extremely busy legislative year ahead....more

Fisher Phillips

Web Exclusive: January 2018: The Top 18 Labor And Employment Law Stories

Fisher Phillips on

It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there were an unprecedented number of changes each month in 2017—and if January is any...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Fifth Circuit Weighs In On Breadth Of The Rehabilitation Act

Recently, a split has continued among the Circuit Courts as to whether Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act permits employment discrimination suits by independent contractors. On February 1, 2016, the Fifth Circuit joined...more

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