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Reasonable Accommodation Retirement Plan Wage and Hour


July is Still the New January! Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute’s Mid-Year Legislative Report

Littler on

Hot off the press – here is Littler’s mid-year report!  As federal regulators, states and cities continue to pass new workplace regulations through the calendar year, we summarize each state’s notable labor and employment law...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

[Event] Annual Employee Benefits and Employment Law Seminar - March 8th, Seattle, WA

Join us for our Annual Employee Benefits and Employment Law Seminar, covering the latest updates and practical insights on benefits, labor, and employment issues. Topics include: - SECURE 2.0 - ERISA Litigation...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

2021: The Year Ahead For Employers

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

In 2020, COVID-19 collided with a presidential election, forever altering the workplace as we knew it. In 2021 employers are faced with reimagining the employer/employee relationship while simultaneously trying to keep pace...more

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP

[Webinar] Coronavirus – Workplace Management Considerations for Employers - March 18th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT

Please join Nelson Mullins attorneys Mitch Boyarsky, Ann Murray, Robert Sheridan, and Roy Wyman for a webinar covering the implications that coronavirus has on employment, employee benefits, and data privacy in the workplace....more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

Oregon Employment Law Update: Summary & To Do List

Oregon passed several employment bills this year that will affect Oregon employers. The following article provides an update on the new laws and a list of tasks for Oregon employers to make sure that they are in compliance....more


WPI State of the States — Legislative Proposals Are Taking Root

Littler on

As April showers turn into May flowers, measures proposed earlier this year in the state legislatures begin to take root. Significantly fewer generally applicable labor and employment bills were introduced in April, around 60...more


2017 Labor & Employment Laws: New Year, New Government, New Challenges

Littler on

On January 1, 2017, employers across the nation will face a host of new or amended federal, state, and/or local labor and employment requirements. At the same time, there is uncertainty as to how the Trump Administration and...more

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