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Reasonable Accommodation Service Animals Documentation

Adams and Reese LLP

Service Animals in the Office? Here’s How Employers Should Handle Accommodation Requests

Adams and Reese LLP on

The concept of service animals in the workplace has been around for quite some time, but many managers, especially those at smaller companies, may not have yet had to address it. With regard to employees, you can treat a...more

Adams and Reese LLP

How Should Florida Community Associations Answer Residents’ Requests for Emotional Support Animals?

Adams and Reese LLP on

A right to an emotional support animal has been a heavily discussed topic for years, especially for certain extreme requests involving the use of an exotic animal for emotional support purposes, or when there is a claim that...more

Adams and Reese LLP

‘Pistol’ Shoots Blanks in Appeals Court Decision on Workplace Service Animal Accommodation

Adams and Reese LLP on

...What are employer obligations when an employee asks to bring a service animal into the workplace? This is a question faced more and more by employers, and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals recently offered guidance,...more

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