News & Analysis as of

Regulatory Standards Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)


AI in HR - What You Need to Know


BCLP recently hosted a seminar on AI in HR. In this thought-provoking session, we considered how AI is used in HR and its regulation in the EU and the UK, and then engaged in some discussions around two theoretical scenarios....more

Hogan Lovells

Open Regulatory Consultations in the UK and the EU – Have Your Say

Hogan Lovells on

As highlighted by our new Privacy 2040 initiative, there have never been more opportunities to shape the existing and future privacy and cybersecurity legal framework. ...more


Hotels and GDPR


We are now over a year on from the major changes made to the European data protection regime by the GDPR so it is time to revisit what the changes mean now for the hospitality sector and investment in it, given increased...more

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