The Standard Formula Podcast | Solvency II Back to Basics: Technical Provisions
The Standard Formula Podcast | Investment Rules for Insurers and Reinsurers
The Standard Formula Podcast | Solvency II Back to Basics: Third Country Branches and Cross-Border Provision of Services
Standard Formula Podcast | Reinsurance and Risk Transfer: Risk Mitigation Under the Solvency II Regime
NOWOTNY KNOWS SQUAT! Part 2 Using PPLI and PPVA Annuities to Raise Assets Under Management and Sell More Life Insurance
A warm welcome to the Summer edition of Conyers Coverage. The whirlwind that is the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry continues to blow with gusto! To keep you updated on recent developments, we include various items from...more
A warm welcome to our latest edition of Conyers Coverage. It’s been a dizzying year to date for the Cayman Islands (re)insurance industry, so it’s time for some updates and insights. The momentum is real and the pipeline...more
We are pleased to bring you the summer 2022 edition of Conyers Coverage, the Cayman Islands insurance newsletter. The Cayman Islands insurance and reinsurance industry has had a strong start to the year and Conyers is...more
Happy New Year and a very warm welcome to our sixth issue of Conyers Coverage. We’re starting the New Year by looking at new trends in InsurTech via a Q&A with Isaac Espinoza, Managing Director of Root Reinsurance...more
UK-EU MoU on regulatory cooperation in financial services - HM Treasury has announced that technical discussions on the text of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on UK-EU regulatory cooperation in financial services have...more
Our Asia insurance regulatory tracker for the first quarter of 2018 is below. It includes updates on the introduction of an insurance levy in Hong Kong, a consultation on agency recruitment incentives in Singapore, and new...more