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Remote Depositions Depositions Rules of Civil Procedure

Zelle  LLP

Minnesota’s Amended Rule 30.02 Embraces the Era of Remote Depositions

Zelle LLP on

Minnesota Rule of Civil Procedure 30.02 has been amended to expressly authorize parties to conduct depositions via remote technology and require a party seeking to take a deposition to elect between deposing in-person or...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Washington Revises Rules for Remote Depositions

The Washington Supreme Court recently approved significant revisions to that state’s procedural rules on remote depositions. Revised Rule 30 of the Washington Civil Rules will now allow remote depositions to be noticed...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Remote Deposition Convenience Doesn’t Defeat Forum Shopping Objections

The convenience and widespread use of remote depositions and virtual hearings will not, in seems, make it any easier for plaintiffs to choose what they believe is the most advantageous forum for litigating their cases....more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Skip Your Deposition and Pay the Price?

We’ve written previously about sanctions that trial courts can impose on parties that, for no good reason, fail to appear for a properly noticed deposition. Courts are understandably impatient with parties that throw sand in...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

States Weighing Rule Changes for Depositions

Summer is over and court administrators are back at work, churning out proposals for streamlining litigation and increasing the constructive use of remote technologies to handle judicial business. This blog post identifies...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Texas on the Verge of Adopting Interstate Depositions Law

Ever since the Uniform Law Commission published the Uniform Interstate Discovery and Depositions Act in 2007, the disinterest among Texas lawmakers to adopt the law has been both a curiosity and, to a small extent, a failure...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Massachusetts High Court Considers New Rule on Remote Depositions

Massachusetts appears poised to become the latest jurisdiction to permanently embrace — and regulate — the practice of conducting pretrial discovery with remote depositions. A public comment period recently closed on a...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Who Can Attend a Remote Deposition?

Until very recently, the rule in many jurisdictions was that any individual could attend a deposition unless the trial court ordered otherwise. Some litigators brought expert witnesses to the deposition of the opposing...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Before You Press “Record” on a Zoom Deposition

If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s possible to create a “video deposition” merely by recording a Zoom call, you’re not alone. After all, the litigators and witnesses, and the court reporter, are present, their voices and...more

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Remote Depositions Find Permanent Home in Revised Florida Court Rules

Earlier this month the Florida Supreme Court ordered sweeping changes to that state’s court rules, giving technology-driven virtual hearings and remote depositions a permanent role in the state’s judicial processes....more

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