PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Benefits Companion - Good News for the ACA in 2025
RoboCop: Overview of Corporate Basics and Compliance Filings
The Corporate Transparency Act
John Wick - What You Need To Know about the Corporate Transparency Act
Cannabis Law Now Podcast: Cannabis Companies and the Corporate Transparency Act
US Expatriate Tax Planning - Part 2 - A Podcast with Janathan Allen
EEO-1 Filing After June 4: What to Do Now, and How to Prepare for Next Year - Employment Law This Week®
Examining FinCEN FAQs, Proposed Legislation and Other CTA Developments
US Expatriate Tax Planning - Part 1 - A Podcast with Janathan Allen
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business - Episode 12: A General Counsel’s Map for International Business Expansion - Part 2
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business - Episode 12: A General Counsel’s Map for International Business Expansion - Part 1
Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act - Payments Pros – The Payments Law Podcast
DE Under 3: OMB Announced Finalized Overhaul to Federal Race & Ethnicity Data Collection Standards
Webinar: Corporate Transparency Act
What Nonprofit Leaders Need To Know About the Corporate Transparency Act
Regulatory Phishing Podcast - The Impact of Cybersecurity Compliance on Corporate Transactions
Meeting Cancer Reporting Requirements
DE Under 3: Potential Elimination of EEO-1 Type 4 & 8 Reports
#WorkforceWednesday: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Takes Effect, EEO-1 Report Filing Start Date Pushed Back, DOL Clarifies FMLA Leave for Paid Holidays - Employment Law This Week®
DE Under 3: Kotagal Becomes Third Democrat on the EEOC Commission; Julie Su Nomination is Now Defunct
In this article, we reflect on key trends in ESG over the second half of 2024 and look ahead at trends that may emerge in 2025. We analyze developments in the latter half of 2024, which were similar to those highlighted in...more
When the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Act) came into force, it was considered a landmark legal development globally. The UK was one of the first jurisdictions to introduce a legal requirement concerning transparency in supply...more
The human element in your supply chain - There is little risk in claiming that ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) has been one of the most used acronyms over the last few years. Some salient examples that changed how...more
Introduction - Over 400 New South Wales (NSW) government entities, including government agencies, state owned corporations, and councils (collectively, Covered Entities) are required to conduct modern slavery due diligence...more
Immerse yourself in the only comprehensive economic sanctions event of its kind in Canada, spanning two days of invaluable insights and practical knowledge. Designed to cover U.S., EU, and major global sanctions, this...more
Canada’s new anti-forced labour legislation, the Forced and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, will come into effect in January 2024, with due diligence reporting requirements starting on May 31, 2024....more
Three years ago, as part of the EU’s initiative on sustainable governance, the European Commission released a lengthy study on directors’ duties. The study affirmed what many already understood: corporate decision makers face...more
Soon to be law, the bill will require many foreign companies doing business in Canada to report annually; first reports will be due May 31, 2024 - On May 3, 2023, Canada’s Parliament passed Bill S-211, An Act to enact the...more
The House of Commons has adopted Bill S-211, whose short title is Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the Bill). The Bill, which was adopted on May 3, 2023, will become law as soon as it...more
Executive Summary - This white paper is a compilation of a four-part blog series published in June 2022 by our Australian team. It provides key insights on the level of reporting pursuant to the requirements of the...more
The purpose of Canada’s proposed Bill S-211, Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (Bill S-211) is, in part, to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child...more
A new wave of mandatory human rights due diligence legislation is coming into force across Europe. It goes far beyond existing reporting obligations, such as under the UK or Australia’s Modern Slavery Acts, and will require...more
In Part 2 of our series, we set out our insights on what differentiates the few organisations who are noticeably leading the pack in their disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act) – how they are...more
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act) was developed with the intention to drive a ‘race to the top’ by organisations to properly identify, address and report modern slavery risks in global supply chains....more
A recent report concluded that modern slavery considerations are still not a mainstream concern for many companies. In April 2022, the Financial Reporting Council, the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, and Lancaster...more
Dealmakers should continue to weigh the impact of ESG issues on M&A deals as ESG standards evolve. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues have become increasingly important for corporates in recent years,...more
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) recently published its revised Universal Standards, which go into effect on January 1, 2023. The revision will require all companies reporting in accordance with GRI standards to report...more
Following the Home Office’s 2020 response to the 2019 ‘Transparency in Supply Chains Consultation’, the UK government has launched an online central registry of statements published in compliance with requirements under...more
This briefing is the second in our series of briefings on corporate governance and is designed to provide a synopsis of topical corporate governance matters impacting companies in the United Kingdom. This briefing tracks the...more
Following a review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) and the Home Office ‘Transparency in Supply Chains Consultation’ that closed in September 2019, the UK government is proposing a tightening of the reporting requirements...more
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act) requires large Australian entities and foreign entities carrying on business in Australia to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and the...more
The UK government continues to prioritise combatting modern slavery risks while also extending reporting deadlines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. On 20 April 2020, the UK government published guidance for companies on how to...more
Corporate compliance officers always welcome the new year with a string of new regulatory compliance obligations close behind. One that caught my eye for 2020: Australia’s Modern Slavery Act....more
When the Modern Slavery Act (“Act”) came into force in October 2015, it was the first legislation of its kind, aiming to tackle and eventually eliminate human trafficking and the various forms of modern slavery. It also...more
The Department of Home Affairs recently released Draft Guidance (Draft Guide) on the reporting requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act). The Draft Guide provides welcome clarity on how to prepare, approve and...more