News & Analysis as of

Reporting Requirements Silica

Husch Blackwell LLP

Keeping a Watchful Eye on California’s Stone Countertop Industry

Husch Blackwell LLP on

There have been recent growing concerns regarding the inhalation of crystalline silica dust in the California stone countertop industry, with attempts by the California State Legislature to enact regulations improving the...more


Cal/OSHA Approves Final Respirable Crystalline Silica Regulation, While Other Potential Limits on Engineered Stone Remain Under...

Littler on

On December 19, 2024, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board unanimously approved a proposal to make permanent amendments to its regulation regarding occupational exposures to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) in the general industry...more

Fisher Phillips

End of the Year Whirlwind for Labor and OSHA Matters! Part I of III

Fisher Phillips on

The long awaited nominee for Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, Scott Mugno, finally received his Senate Labor Committee hearing on December 5, and passed through without controversy on a party line vote. Unfortunately,...more

Fisher Phillips

8 For ‘18: 8 Things for Employers to Look For from OSHA and MSHA in 2018

Fisher Phillips on

It’s that time of year again: for employers to celebrate the successes of the prior year and make plans and resolutions for the new one. But OSHA and MSHA are making New Year’s resolutions, too, and employers are well-advised...more

Fisher Phillips

Did These 10 OSHA Rules and Initiatives Die With the Election of Donald Trump?

Fisher Phillips on

The election of Donald Trump surprised some Americans. In the days since his victory, our firm’s lawyers have fielded numerous questions from employers regarding what changes to workplace law they can expect under the Trump...more

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