News & Analysis as of

Research and Development Artificial Intelligence Inventors

Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck, P.C.

This Summer in Artificial Intelligence: Newly Released USPTO Guidance and Exemplary Worldwide Inventorship Updates

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently published new guidance on subject-matter eligibility as related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), opening a written comment window to respond with a deadline of...more

Fenwick & West LLP

Balancing AI-Powered Drug Discovery’s Risk and Reward

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AI is shaving years off the drug-discovery process. But it’s not just leaving other research modalities in the dust—the law itself is struggling to keep up, especially when it comes to patenting AI-aided drug discovery....more

Fenwick & West LLP

How to Maximize Your AI-Assisted Invention’s Patentability

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Artificial intelligence is rapidly reinventing the research and development process, but until recently, patentability remained a major uncertainty. That’s until the United States Patent and Trademark Office stepped in and...more

Dechert LLP

Inventive AI: UK Supreme Court holds that only humans can be inventors

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An AI system cannot be named as the inventor in a UK patent application – the inventor(s) must be human. Technical developments created by AI cannot be ‘inventions’ within the meaning of UK patent legislation. UK patent...more

Dechert LLP

Inventive AI: European Patent Office finds that only humans can be inventors

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Patent offices and courts around the world have recently been grappling with the question of whether an AI system can be the inventor of a patent. This has been prompted by Dr. Stephen Thaler’s applications to designate his...more

ArentFox Schiff

[Webinar] Explore the Multiverse with Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku - November 10th, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm EST

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The renowned theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku joins Fox Forum to discuss immortality, time travel, whether we are living in a simulation, string theory, when AI and the robots will take over, and the inventions that...more

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