News & Analysis as of

Residential Real Estate Contracts Estoppel Certificates

Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

DBPR Increases Association Estoppel Certificate Fees

The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) released the first five-year adjustment to Estoppel Certificate Fees permitted under Section 718.116(8)(f), Florida Statutes, of the Condominium Act and...more

Miller Starr Regalia

Landlord Leasing Fraud: The Orozco Case And Its Implications For Leasing Lawyers And Their Clients

Miller Starr Regalia on

If a tenant receives a verbal assurance from a landlord while negotiating a lease, and the assurance is not written in the lease, does the tenant have any recourse if the assurance turns out to be false? ...more

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