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Restraining Orders Domestic Violence

Mandelbaum Barrett PC

Cyber Harassment: A Growing Concern in Domestic Violence Cases

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As technology becomes more integrated into our lives, it has introduced new challenges, particularly in domestic violence cases. One of the most alarming trends is the rise of cyber harassment, where individuals use...more

Stark & Stark

Types of Restraining Orders in New Jersey

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There are two main types of restraining orders you can obtain in New Jersey: A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is an emergency measure you can file to obtain immediate protection from your abuser. This order can be...more

Bowditch & Dewey

Massachusetts Expands Eligibility to Obtain a Restraining Order Beyond Physical Abuse

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Has your partner or a family member ever: - Isolated you from family or friends? - Controlled your access to food, medicine, money, transportation, or another basic needs? - Forbidden you from attending school or...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Yes, The Fifth Amendment Does Apply to Domestic Violence Proceedings

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It was long believed by many that if a defendant in a domestic violence hearing plead the 5th Amendment (i.e. chose not to testify on the grounds that it might incriminate him/herself), that the court could draw an adverse...more

Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Myers,...

The Basics of Restraining Orders in North Carolina

In the sixteen years that I was a Wake County District Judge and District Attorney, I’d often be asked how to get a restraining order. The answer is relatively simple – the North Carolina General Assembly passed a law that...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Cyber Harassment Gives Rise to FRO In Case That Emphasizes Importance of ‘Four Corners”

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In the unpublished (non-precedential) decision of K.E.M. v. S.R.A., the Appellate Division used the trial court’s findings to reinstate a Final Restraining Order (“FRO”) based on the predicate act of cyber harassment....more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Court’s Should Not Issue FROs Because They Think a Party is a Bad Parent or Deadbeat Dad

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Earlier this month, I wrote a blog called Court’s Should Not Issue FROs to Address Parenting Issues. That blogged addressed a case where the trial court entered a Final Restraining Order (FRO) to remedy custody and parenting...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Can a Bad Social Media Post Lead to a Final Restraining Order?

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Social media has become a prevalent part of people’s lives. Many people post about how great their life is or about the good things that their children do (guilty as charged.) Others debate politics. Some post pictures of the...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

New Jersey Has Jurisdiction to Enter a TRO Even When the Predicate Act Occurred in Another State

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What happens when a victim of domestic violence suffers a predicate act in a State outside of New Jersey and then seeks an order of protection in New Jersey? The general answer is… the victim is entitled to the full...more

Mandelbaum Barrett PC

A Look at Temporary Restraining Orders

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time to unite and support victims and survivors of abuse. New Jersey has one of the strongest Domestic Violence laws in the United States. It offers victims of domestic violence...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Vindictive Report to DCPP Can Constitute Harassment Under the Domestic Violence Statute

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It should come as no surprise that after the end of a relationship, people sometimes do bad things to the former love of their life. Really, it’s a tale as old as time. But what if, as an act of retaliation, a party makes a...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Final Restraining Orders & the Second Prong of Silver v. Silver: Protection Against, and Prevention of, Further Abuse

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The Appellate Division, in an unreported opinion titled J.D. v. A.M.W. addressed the trial court’s denial of the Plaintiff’s application for a Final Restraining Order (“FRO”) under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act...more

Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires &...

Should a Person With a Restraining Order Keep Their Firearms? Texas Court Says Yes

After states began enacting differing domestic violence laws in the 20th century, the Violence Against Women Act was passed in 1994. This law nationally recognized domestic violence as an epidemic and provided funding for...more

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

If The Victim Doesn’t Show Up For Court, Will Your Domestic Violence Case Be Dismissed?

The state of Colorado takes a strong stance against domestic violence and recognizes its devastating effects on individuals, families, and communities. Colorado's domestic violence laws are strict in order to protect victims...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

NY State Rifle Case “Recoils” to Re-Arm Domestic Abusers

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In a decision published on February 2, 2023 the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that a federal law barring domestic abusers from possessing guns while protection from abuse orders are in effect violates the 2nd...more

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

Mandatory Arrest For Domestic Violence Cases In Colorado

Due to today’s misconstrued versions of domestic violence altercations portrayed in tv shows and movies, many do not have an accurate understanding of how domestic violence cases are treated by law enforcement. Many...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Off-the-Record Comments & the Right to an Impartial Final Restraining Order Hearing

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What a judge says before, during or after a hearing “off-the-record” likely sheds light on the Court’s decision making process including, but not limited to, what evidence was considered and whether the proper, relevant legal...more

Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal...

Explained: Restraining Orders And Jail Terms Of Domestic Violence In The UAE

The issue of domestic violence is universal and the UAE has taken bold steps to combat this issue. In this connection, the Federal Decree-Law No. 10/2019 On the Protection From Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence Law) has...more

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

What Is Considered Domestic Violence In Colorado Springs?

Allegations and charges of domestic violence are taken seriously by the state of Ohio. Court systems in Ohio are responsible for protecting and assisting domestic violence victims. Additionally, it is their responsibility to...more

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

Can I own a gun with a simple assault charge on my record?

When an individual in Colorado is charged with a misdemeanor assault crime, they may fear that they are no longer able to own or purchase firearms. Whether or not an individual can own or purchase a gun after a minor assault...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Right to Counsel and Notice of Consequences of a Domestic Violence Finding is Required Before – Not After- the Finding

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Seems pretty obvious that if a court is going to explain the ramifications of the right to have counsel in a domestic violence matter and the ramifications of the entry of a finding of domestic violence and the entry of a...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Remote Proceedings: Zooming Past Litigants’ Due Process Rights

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In January 2020, the Appellate Division considered an important question: how should a judge assess a party’s request to appear at a trial and present testimony by way of video transmission? The timing of this consideration...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Can Judges Rely On Information That Is Outside Of The Record?

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There used to be a family judge, who, with his law clerk, spent a lot of time on Google, looking up property records, Zillow “values” and other information regarding the parties and their property. While most of the time it...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

A Victim Of Domestic Violence Need Not Have Disclosed The Abuse To Another To Establish A Predicate Act Of Domestic Violence

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Victims of abuse have many reasons for not reporting prior acts of domestic violence – either to friends, family, co-workers, etc. or the police. Logically, the failure to report does not negate the fact that the abuse...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

If You Want To Keep Your Final Restraining Order, Maintaining A Sexual Relationship With The Defendant Is A Bad Idea

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More than 11 years ago, I wrote a post on this blog entitled The Abuse and Misuse of the Domestic Violence Statute. From the statistics, we can see that this is still one of the most read items we have published, because the...more

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