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Revocable Trusts Living Trust Testamentary Trust

Allen Barron, Inc.

What do You Need to Know About A Trust and Why?

Allen Barron, Inc. on

Most US homeowners and business owners understand the importance of an estate plan; they just never seem to get around to completing the task. What do you need to know about a trust? Why are trusts a central component of any...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

Trusts 101: Living or Testamentary; Revocable or Irrevocable; Grantor and Non-Grantor – What Does All of This Mean?

Trusts are described in multiple ways, including: living or testamentary, revocable or irrevocable and grantor or non-grantor. These terms are not always mutually exclusive. A trust can be living, revocable and a grantor...more

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