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Risk Management Background Checks


The Devil You Don’t Know - Might Not Be So Bad! Good News for Driver Credit and Background Checks

Benesch on

In this era of driver and employee shortages, employers of all kinds -  motor - carriers, freight intermediaries and shippers, should be aware of a byzantine array of federal statutes that could confer liability upon them,...more

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

Common Background Screening Mistakes

Did you know that 94% of companies perform background checks? Of those, almost all are criminal record checks, fingerprinting, and verifications. But is that the right approach? And with so many people doing them, it should...more

Baker Donelson

How Remote Hiring Practices Could Lead to Infiltration of Your Organization: North Korea Operatives are Exploiting Remote Hiring...

Baker Donelson on

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses often seek to access a global pool of skilled professionals by turning to remote talent to fill gaps in their IT needs. Although this practice has many advantages, it also...more

Decipher Investigative Intelligence

Beyond Red Flags: Deploying Positive Intel from Due Diligence

We admit it: Sometimes it’s tempting to lead with the negative information from pre-hire investigations. Bullying behavior, inflammatory social media posts, fabricated client relationships – these (very real) examples raise...more


Political Nexus in Indian Startups: Essential Checks for Investors

Ankura on

As the Indian startup ecosystem continues to thrive, attracting substantial investments from around the globe, investors are increasingly eyeing opportunities within this burgeoning market. However, investing in Indian...more

Cozen O'Connor

Missouri AG Investigates Hack of National Public Data

Cozen O'Connor on

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey has opened an investigation into Jerico Pictures, Inc. d/b/a National Public Data, a background check data aggregator, over a data breach that has allegedly exposed personally identifiable...more

J.S. Held

The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Online Sports Betting Industry

J.S. Held on

Online sports betting has become a booming industry in recent years, with millions of people placing bets and wagers from their phones and computers. Ever since Murphy v. NCAA, the 2018 case in which the United States Supreme...more

Venable LLP

Vetting Candidates: Creating a Hiring Process That Prioritizes Student Safety

Venable LLP on

Student safety and security is of paramount importance in independent schools. While the goal of a hiring process is primarily to find the best candidate for the position, it is imperative that schools craft policies and...more


FBI Warns That Scammers Are Using Deepfakes to Apply for Sensitive Jobs

WilmerHale on

On June 28, 2022, the FBI issued a Public Service Announcement (PSA) warning that fraudsters are using deepfakes to impersonate job applicants during online interviews and employing stolen Personally Identifiable Information...more


HR ‘Don’ts’ Inspired by Netflix’s Tiger King

FordHarrison on

In the midst of our pandemic-induced self-isolation and, in many cases, mandatory shelter-in-place orders, some of you have probably used this time to better yourselves. Perhaps you’ve tried out some new recipes or began an...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

20 Steps To Avoid Employment Lawsuits

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP on

I have been asked by more than one frustrated California employer how to avoid or reduce employment lawsuits. It is not easy question to answer as there are many variables that go into generating employment law claims....more

Fisher Phillips

How Much Do You Really Want to Know About Your Employees? The Growing Popularity of Continuous Background Checks

Fisher Phillips on

Most companies perform background checks on employees at the outset as part of the application / new hire process. A number of background check companies are now offering “continuous screening” or re-screening services as a...more

Williams Mullen

Treating the Cause, Not the Symptom: How to Avoid 10 Employment-Related Liabilities in the Health Care Industry

Williams Mullen on

Companies of all shapes and sizes continually grapple with how to foster and maintain a productive, respectful work environment. Part and parcel of this objective is ensuring that the workplace complies with the various...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Orrick's Financial Industry Week In Review

SEC Proposes to Enhance Protections and Preserve Choice for Retail Investors in Their Relationships with Investment Professionals - On April 18, the Securities and Exchange Commission voted to propose a package of...more


Helping To Protect Your Company From A Cyber-Attack: Eight Tips For Human Resources Professionals And In-House Employment Counsel

Littler on

Recent, highly publicized data security incidents highlight the continued vulnerability of corporate information systems. Notably, employees who fall prey to sophisticated phishing e-mails and other scams often contribute to...more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Deep Dive Due Diligence: Part II – Why Level III Due Diligence for Senior Execs?

Today, I continue my exploration of Level III, deep dive due diligence by considering why you need this type of background investigation in the context of the hiring and promotion of senior managers in an organization. I am...more

Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP

The Lawyers' Lawyer Newsletter - Recent Developments in Risk Management - November 2016

Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP on

Aiding and Abetting the Unauthorized Practice of Law — Conducting a Due Diligence Background Check for Incoming Lawyers and Lateral Hires - The Case: Kimberly Kitchen began working at BMZ Law PC part-time in 2005. She...more

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