News & Analysis as of

Risk Management Captive Insurance Company

Husch Blackwell LLP

Captive Insurer Update: Contingent Business Interruption Claims, Reinsurance, and the Southern California Wildfires

Husch Blackwell LLP on

Captive insurers can offer enhanced control over coverage, claims, and premiums; however, they also face specific challenges when dealing with large-scale coverage events that have highly uncertain scopes, particularly when...more


Captive Insurance in Bermuda

Conyers on

Bermuda is the world’s leading domicile for captive insurance companies, with over 600 active captive licences on its register generating over US$24 billion in gross written premium. Having formed the first modern captive in...more

Kerr Russell

Is Group Captive Insurance Right For Your Client?

Kerr Russell on

A group captive or other captive structure has several benefits for many companies. In this Q&A, Kerr Russell attorney Eric Lark discusses what factors to consider when deciding whether Captive Insurance is right for your...more


The Case for Captives in the Aviation Industry Is Stronger Than Ever

Conyers on

In Rising insurance premium rates, limited capacity with commercial insurance carriers and a looming global recession made 2022 extremely challenging for aviation insurance buyers. In this environment, the aviation industry...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Captive Insurers: New Alberta Legislation Offers Additional Risk Management Option

Bennett Jones LLP on

Risk management is an important part of governance planning for every business. Often, risk management means transferring risk to a third-party through the purchase of insurance. Recently, the Alberta Legislature created a...more

McDermott Will & Emery

[Webinar] McDermott & ACC | Top Five Things All In-House Lawyers Need to Know About Tax - May 13th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST

McDermott Will & Emery on

What should in-house lawyers spend time discussing with their chief financial officers (CFOs)? What are the most important tax developments affecting businesses today? In this program, we’ll review the key tax issues that...more


Captive Insurance Companies for the Transportation Industry: A Quick Q&A with Those in the Know

Benesch on

Captive insurance companies are an elusive risk management strategy that, for many, is so poorly understood it is difficult to even begin consideration. Those who happen to fall into discussions of captives often bounce...more


Home Care Agencies Sued for Illegal Use of Captive Insurance Company

FordHarrison on

Class action attorneys recently filed a first-of-its-kind class action against Edison Home Health Care (“Edison”) and Preferred Home Care of New York (“Preferred”) alleging that the home care agencies used a “captive”...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Takeaways from the Tax Court's First Micro-Captive Insurance Ruling

Holland & Knight LLP on

• The U.S. Tax Court recently ruled in Avrahami v. Commissioner, the first litigated Tax Court case involving an 831(b) captive insurance company. • The Tax Court held that two of the key factors that define "insurance"...more

Carlton Fields

The Prospect for a Legislative Fix in the Case of Certain Promoters Using Micro Captives Deemed Abusive by the IRS

Carlton Fields on

Despite a considerable reduction in budget and personnel, the Internal Revenue Service announced earlier this year that it would devote considerable time and effort to crack down on what it views as widespread abusive...more

Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP

Recent Developments on Variable Annuity Captive Reinsurance and Hedging Risk Evaluation; and Impacts on VA Issuers

In the midst of the broader discussion within the insurance regulatory community regarding the financial risks potentially posed by captive reinsurers, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has recently...more

Carlton Fields

Connecticut Amends Law Concerning Captive Insurers

Carlton Fields on

Connecticut has amended its law concerning captive insurers doing business in the state to include, in part, a new provision on how foreign captive insurers can become Connecticut domestic companies and revisions on how...more

Gerald Nowotny - Law Office of Gerald R....

Held Captive! The Closely Held Insurance Company - An Integrated Tax and Risk Management Solution

Overview - Captive or closely held insurance companies have been around a long time, at least fifty or more years. For most of their existence, captive insurance companies lived in relative anonymity and were mostly in...more

Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP

Companies Increasingly Look To Captive Insurance

Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP on

Companies seeking an alternative to traditional risk management approaches are increasingly turning to the captive insurance market, especially for recurring and foreseeable losses. As most commonly understood, the...more

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