News & Analysis as of

Risk Management Financial Transactions Banking Sector

Holland & Knight LLP

Colombia: Prohibición de desembolsar créditos entre residentes en cuentas de compensación

Holland & Knight LLP on

Con el Boletín No. 39 del 19 de diciembre de 2024, el Banco de la República adicionó el Numeral 8.1 a la Circular Reglamentaria DCIP-83, prohibiendo a partir de su publicación el desembolso de créditos entre residentes...more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Virtual Conference] Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions - November 23rd - 24th, 8:45 am - 5:00 pm EST

ACI’s 27th Annual Flagship Conference on Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions will take place virtually on November 23 – 24, 2021 (EST). Join regulators and industry peers for a series of in-depth discussions...more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Complimentary Webinar] Mitigating Sanctions and Export Control Risks for Life Sciences, Research Institutes and Universities -...

Global life sciences companies, research institutes, and universities face unique challenges when complying with U.S. and non-U.S. trade control laws, including complying with general and specific licenses authorizing...more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Virtual Event] Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime - May 4th - 5th, 9:45 am - 5:15 pm EST

The Canadian Institute’s 20th Canadian Annual Forum on AML and Financial Crime is a curated program, dedicated to addressing pressing industry challenges through in-depth analysis of the financial crime landscape and industry...more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Webinar] Managing Risk Remotely: Strategies for AML Compliance under COVID-19 Conditions - May 19th, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST

From the comfort of your home office, join two leading voices in AML for a discussion about how COVID-19 conditions are impacting operational imperatives and what you can do about it. They will share perspectives and insights...more

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