ABA Sound Advice: Five Tips for Successful Local Counsel Engagements
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Digital Issues for Individuals Working at Home (Digital Planning Podcast)
The rise of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents lawyers with powerful tools and tactical advantages to streamline many aspects of their practice. AI helps lawyers provide more efficient, effective legal services...more
I am a lawyer at a well-known criminal defense firm. I often write articles in legal journals and am quoted as an expert in criminal law in various notable news publications. Recently, while moderating a CLE program about the...more
At the risk of stating the obvious, we are still in the early days of what we believe to be an “AI Revolution” in the way that goods and services, including legal services, are and will be provided. That means that we do not,...more
The impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is unsurprisingly significant in the field of education, with some teachers and professors responding by instituting oral examinations, handwritten essays, or requiring...more
Mistakes sometimes happen. One of the most serious mistakes attorneys can make is to inadvertently disclose privileged or otherwise protected information during discovery. This may sound easy, but in the electronic era, where...more
Early in 2023, New York lawyer Steven A. Schwartz found himself in a bind when faced with a motion to dismiss an action he had commenced in state court that was subsequently removed to the District Court for the Southern...more
We previously wrote about the widely-publicized Southern District of New York case involving lawyers who submitted papers citing non-existent cases generated by the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT, Mata v. Avianca,...more
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is not entirely foreign to the legal profession. AI-powered legal research databases, eDiscovery automation, and juror intelligence services are just a few examples of how lawyers have engaged...more
Technology can be a curse or a comfort for lawyers. It promises to make you more efficient, but who has the time to learn it all? (And doesn’t that take away from the sacred billable hour?) Integrating the right tools...more
There are two ways lawyers can satisfy their ethical duty of technology competence. One way is by learning about technology and becoming more proficient in the use of legal tech tools. The other is by working in association...more
A Federal Court judge recently told me that when he asked the lawyer about the ESI (Electronically Stored Information) in his matter, the lawyer replied there wasn’t any. When the judge asked if there were going to be any...more