News & Analysis as of

Russia Compliance Shell Corporations

American Conference Institute (ACI)

Sanctions Compliance Measures to Mitigate Russia Trade Sanctions Evasion Tactics

The various and elusive tactics used by Russia to evade global sanctions and export controls have grown increasingly sophisticated over the last several months, putting the onus on multinational entities to become equally...more

Bracewell LLP

KYC in a Digital World, How New Sanctions and AML Expectations Have Upped the Stakes and What you Need to Do About it

Bracewell LLP on

“Know your customer” is a bed rock principle of anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance programs, but it’s not always easy, particularly as more sophisticated and aggressive players have taken the field in recent...more

The Volkov Law Group

DOJ Settles Follow-On FCPA Case: Transport Logistics Pays $2 Million Penalty

The Volkov Law Group on

Last week, the Justice Department announced its first FCPA enforcement action in 2018 – a follow-on settlement from prior FCPA enforcement actions centering on a bribery scheme involving a Russian government official from a...more

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