Employment Law Now VII-135-Summer 2023 Wrap-Up Part 1 (NEW DOL OVERTIME RULE)
#WorkforceWednesday: Pay Range Disclosure Laws Spread Across New York and New Jersey - Employment Law This Week®
#WorkforceWednesday: CA COVID-19 Policies Get Updates, NYC Pay Transparency Law Postponed, DOL Targets Worker Retaliation - Employment Law This Week®
[WEBINAR] Who Does What? Defining Proper Roles for Staff and Elected Officials
HR Law 101 Ep.3: What You Need to Know About Wage and Hour Laws
The California Legislature has enacted several new laws that will impact the workplace in 2025. This Holland & Knight alert provides a brief summary of select employment laws that go into effect Jan. 1, 2025, unless stated...more
Can you provide some background to the new equal pay law? The Law No. 14,611, also known as the Brazilian equal pay law, came into force on July 4, 2023. It is regulated by Decree No. 11,795, of 2023, and by the Brazilian...more
After a few years of rapid and expansive change to New York’s workplace laws, involving adjustments to workplace safety, employee pay, benefits, and privacy, there was a noticeable slowdown for the state legislature this past...more
The New York City Council has approved a bill that will require New York City employers to include salary ranges with any job advertisements. The stated purpose of the amendment is to further the city’s effort to achieve pay...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: The Department of Labor Standards and Enforcement, the Employment Development Department, and CalOSHA now have FAQs addressing how the COVID-19. coronavirus affects California businesses....more
In the November 2019 election Virginia gained a Democratic “trifecta”—both legislative chambers and the governorship are now controlled by one political party. It has been over two decades since Democratic lawmakers...more