News & Analysis as of

Small Business Administration Compliance

The Small Business Administration is a United States federal agency established in 1953 by the Small Business Act. The SBA is dedicated to assisting and supporting small business and entreprenuers. The SBA... more +
The Small Business Administration is a United States federal agency established in 1953 by the Small Business Act. The SBA is dedicated to assisting and supporting small business and entreprenuers. The SBA carries out its mission through a variety of programs including providing financial and federal contract procurement assistance, management assistance, and specialized outreach to women, minorities and armed forces veterans. less -
ArentFox Schiff

Investigations Newsletter: First Circuit Joins Sixth and Eighth Circuits in Adopting Heightened, But-For Causation Standard for...

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First Circuit Joins Sixth and Eighth Circuits in Adopting Heightened, But-For Causation Standard for AKS-Based FCA Claims - On February 18, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit became the latest court to agree...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

New Administration Outlook: A Possible Roadmap to What's Ahead for the CFTC Under New Leadership

On January 20, 2025, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") unanimously elected Commissioner Caroline D. Pham as acting chairman. The Administration has not yet identified who will be nominated for the position of...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

HUBZone Final Rule: HUBZone Employee Eligibility

On December 17, the U.S. Small Business Administration issued a final rule that made significant changes to the SBA’s HUBZone small business contracting program. The final rule generally adopted many of the changes SBA...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

Weekly Update for Government Contractors and Commercial Businesses – January 2025 #4

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FY2025 NDAA: Significant Impacts on Small and Large Defense Contractors - The Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY2025 NDAA), signed into law on December...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Government...

Bid Protest Spotlight: Certification, Lateness, SBA Eligibility

This month’s bid protest roundup highlights one decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, addressing a proposal timely submitted but received late, and two decisions from the U.S. Government...more

Holland & Knight LLP

SBA's New Rule Clarifies Role of Minority Equity Holders in Small Businesses and 8(a) Concerns

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The U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) Final Rule, which takes effect on Jan. 16, 2025, makes a range of substantive changes to the regulatory regime for small business contractors. Holland & Knight previously...more

McDermott Will & Emery

SBA’s Final Size Standard Recertification Rule: What Private Equity Companies Need to Know

McDermott Will & Emery on

We previously discussed the US Small Business Administration’s (SBA) proposed rule updating the regulations regarding government contractor size and small business program status recertification. The SBA has now issued the...more

Holland & Knight LLP

The Storm Before the Calm: SBA Final Rule Delays Impact of Future Post-M&A Recertifications

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The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) on Dec. 17, 2024, issued a Final Rule that substantially changes the effect of recertifications of size and socioeconomic status under set-aside contracts following the merger or...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

HUBZone Final Rule: HUBZone Certification and Eligibility

On December 17, the U.S. Small Business Administration issued a final rule that made significant changes to the SBA’s HUBZone small business contracting program. The final rule generally adopts many of the changes that SBA...more


Client Alert: SBA Final Rule Expected to Spur Increased Small Government Contractor M&A Activity In 2025

Whiteford on

On December 17, 2024, the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) issued a Final Rule (“Rule") that will dramatically change the landscape for the Merger and Acquisition (“M&A”) market for both large and small businesses....more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA Update: SBA Clarifies Protégés’ Past Performance and/or Experience Exception

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As PilieroMazza has been reporting, the Small Business Administration (SBA) recently issued a final rule updating and clarifying many regulations that impact small businesses. The revised regulations cover a wide range of...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

SBA Proposes Faster Payments and Simplified Reporting

On December 19, the Small Business Administration published proposed amendments to 13 CFR § 125.3 that would affect small business subcontracting. Their goal is to accelerate payments to small business subcontractors and...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Government...

Enforcing New Recertification Rules: Changes to SBA’s Size Protest Regulations

We continue our discussion of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) recent final rule on various small business programs. Today, we focus on revisions to the regulations governing size protests and requests for formal...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA’s Final Rule Is Here: Key Takeaways on Updates to HUBZone Program, Other Small Business Programs, and Various Small Business...

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Join PilieroMazza’s Meghan Leemon as she unpacks SBA’s final rule implementing changes to the HUBZone Program, other small business programs, and various small business matters. This comprehensive rule goes into effect on...more

ArentFox Schiff

Are You Ready for 2025? New State Privacy Laws to Take Effect Beginning on January 1

ArentFox Schiff on

2025 is set to be another important year for US state privacy laws, with five new laws effective in January and three more coming into effect through October. New laws in Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, and New Hampshire will go...more

Allen Barron, Inc.

Beneficial Ownership Information Form – Less than a Month to Come Into Compliance

Allen Barron, Inc. on

Hopefully, by now, you’ve become aware of the Beneficial Ownership Information Form, commonly referred to as the BOI Form or BOI Report. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) finalized rules for this report late...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

CFPB Releases Final Rule Establishing Supervisory Authority Over Large Digital Payment Providers

On Thursday, November 21, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a final rule that will soon provide it with supervisory authority over large companies in the general-use digital consumer payment...more

ArentFox Schiff

Investigations Newsletter: San Diego Physician and Medical Practice Pay $3.8 Million to Resolve FCA Allegations

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San Diego Physician and Medical Practice Pay $3.8 Million to Resolve FCA Allegations- San Diego-based physician Dr. Janette J. Gray and her former medical practice, The Center for Health & Wellbeing, agreed to pay $3.8...more

Holland & Knight LLP

15 Key Takeaways from the Final CMMC Program Rule Issued by DOD

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The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has long questioned whether contractors and their supply chains have been fully compliant with existing cybersecurity requirements aimed at protecting Controlled Unclassified Information...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

SBA’s Proposed Rule: Recertification of HUBZone Businesses

September 19, 2024 Comments are due by October 7, 2024. Industry Group Leader Associate On Friday, August 23, the Small Business Administration issued a proposed rule that would significantly change the SBA’s HUBZone small...more

Kerr Russell

Don’t Overlook Corporate Transparency Act Compliance

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Question: My accountant and other are telling me there is some federal government filing that I must make by the end of the year. My personal information is being sought. Can you explain what this is all about, whether I have...more

Cozen O'Connor

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Finds CTA Unconstitutional: National Small Business United, et al v....

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In a case brought by the National Small Business Association and an individual owner of a small business (Plaintiffs), the U.S. federal district court for the Northern District of Alabama has ruled that the Corporate...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Four New State Consumer Privacy Laws Are Slated to Take Effect in 2024

In 2023, four consumer privacy laws went into effect in Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah. Entities should prepare for a new class of consumer data privacy laws to take effect in Florida, Montana, Oregon and Texas...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

CARES Act appeals: Key steps in addressing denials and repayments

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress initiated several programs to help businesses weather the difficult economic conditions. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided two of these...more

Clark Hill PLC

Federal Court Asked to Further Limit the 8(a) Program

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As we’ve discussed in two prior legal updates, on Aug. 18, the U.S. Small Business Administration released official guidance on next steps for current 8(a) Participants and new applicants to the 8(a) Program after the U.S....more

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