Readers of this space will know that the California's board diversity statutes apply to "publicly held corporations" and that California's corporate disclosure law applies to "publicly traded corporations". Although these...more
Jesse Fried is the Dane Professor of Law at the Harvard Law School. He and Lucian Bebchuk wrote the book, Pay without Performance: the Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation, a critical assessment of corporate...more
California's female and underrepresented communities quota requirements apply to "publicly-held corporations". California's Corporate Disclosure Statement requirement applies to "publicly-traded corporations". California's...more
The legislation creating California's female director board quota requires the Secretary of State to publish on his Internet website a report no later than March 1, 2020 a report of the following...more
Corporations Code Section 301.3(a) provides: "No later than the close of the 2019 calendar year, a publicly held domestic or foreign corporation whose principal executive offices, according to the corporation’s SEC 10-K...more
Yesterday, I noted that the California Secretary of State's office is mailing reminder letters to certain "publicly held" and "publicly traded" corporations. The letter explains that these are two different categories...more
The California Secretary of State's business programs division is reminding some corporations of their annual filing obligation and California's new female director quota legislation. The reminder is being mailed to...more
The constitutional infirmities of California's novel board gender quota law have been remarked on by everyone from former Governor Jerry Brown to the legislative consultants who prepared bill analyses. Now there is a pending...more
The California legislature has directed the Secretary of State to publish a report by March of next year on the number of corporations that are in compliance with the state's unique board gender quota law. The legislature has...more
California's new female director quota requirement applies to publicly held domestic or foreign corporations with their principal executive offices located in California. Cal. Corp. Code §§ 301.3 & 2115.5. California's older...more
As noted yesterday, the California Secretary of State published a report on its website concerning publicly domestic or foreign corporations with principal executive offices are located in California. This report was required...more
California's new law imposing gender quotas on boards of publicly held corporations imposes significant new responsibilities on the office of the California Secretary of State. This will put the office in the difficult...more