AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business Podcast - Episode 20: Mastering ITC Section 337 Investigations
U.S. International Trade Commission
Addressing a determination by its chief administrative law judge (CALJ) finding a violation of § 337, the US International Trade Commission reversed and held that the complainant had not satisfied the economic prong of the...more
Addressing a decision by the US International Trade Commission finding a violation of Section 337 based on importation of certain TV products, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit agreed that the patent holder had...more
Last week, for the second time in two years, members of the House of Representatives proposed legislation limiting the ability of certain entities to file complaints for unfair trade practices at the U.S. International Trade...more
On March 31, 2020, the ITC issued an order denying Respondents’ request to use the Early Disposition Program. Certain Electronic Candle Products and Components Thereof, Inv. 337-TA-1195. The ITC concluded that the issue of...more
In a recently issued Commission Opinion, the ITC affirmed ALJ Bullock’s application of the Federal Circuit’s rule that a quantitative analysis must be performed in order to determine whether a complainant has satisfied the...more
In a recently issued Commission Opinion, the ITC affirmed the ALJ’s finding that the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 9,045,871 (the ’871 patent) are invalid as directed to an abstract idea. Certain Road Construction...more
In a recent decision clarifying the legal standards of the International Trade Commission’s domestic industry requirement, the Commission has upheld, with modified reasoning, Chief Administrative Law Judge Bullock’s initial...more
In a recent order, ALJ Bullock indicated that it is unsettled whether evidence related to unreleased products can be used to establish that a domestic industry exists. As a result, he denied respondent’s motion to strike...more
The Trump Administration’s Potential Impact on ITC Section 337 Cases - Most project the Trump administration as less inclined toward continued patent reform, more pro-patent, and certainly more trade protectionist, than...more
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed a finding by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) of a violation of § 337, concluding that the Commission’s use of a qualitative analysis could not meet the...more
Commission Declines MEGA Brands’ Request For Early Disposition Of Domestic Industry – As reported in the March 12, 2015 edition of the ITC Section 337 Update, proposed Respondent MEGA Brands filed public interest comments...more