News & Analysis as of

Section 337 Standard Essential Patents Imports

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Event] 16th Annual Practitioners’ Think Tank on ITC Litigation & Enforcement - May 29th - 30th, Washington, DC

Returning to Washington in May, ACI’s 16th Annual Practitioners’ Think Tank on ITC Litigation & Enforcement is your opportunity to learn from and network with key members of the ITC Bench, senior ITC Attorneys and leading...more

King & Spalding

President Disapproves ITC Exclusion Order In -794 Investigation On Public Interest Grounds

King & Spalding on

On August 3, 2013, the President acting through the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) disapproved the decision of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC or “Commission”) to issue an exclusion order in Certain Electronic...more

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