News & Analysis as of

Securitization Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)

A&O Shearman

UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No 7) Regulations 2024 Published

A&O Shearman on

The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No 7) Regulations 2024 (SI 2024/891) have been made. The Regulations revoke certain instruments listed in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 relating to...more

Hogan Lovells

Commission EU Securitisation Regulation report - a missed opportunity

Hogan Lovells on

On 11 October 2022, the European Commission published its long-awaited report on the functioning of the Securitisation Regulation. Whilst a number of helpful recommendations have been made on the back of extensive market...more

Hogan Lovells

Securitisation and capital requirements – a match (not) made in Basel?

Hogan Lovells on

The updated Basel III framework is the principal response of the Basel Committee to the global financial crisis. The updated framework makes wide-ranging changes to the perceived shortcomings of the previous regime. Although...more

Morgan Lewis

AMF Publishes Summary of its STS Securitisation Inspections; Notes Significant Shortcomings in Procedures

Morgan Lewis on

The French regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (the AMF) has recently published a report (the AMF Report) following its inspection, involving a sample group of credit institutions, of certain simple, transparent...more

Morgan Lewis

EBA Consults on Homogeneity Regulatory Technical Standards for STS Securitisations

Morgan Lewis on

The European Banking Authority (the EBA) recently published a consultation paper with proposed amendments to the regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the homogeneity of the underlying exposures in securitisation, following...more

Morgan Lewis

ESG Securitisation Continues to Develop in the European Union

Morgan Lewis on

ESG securitisation has the potential to play a key role in achieving sustainable finance objectives in the European Union. There have been a number of regulatory developments and other advances in this area, including the...more

Mayer Brown

ESAs’ Opinion to the European Commission on the Jurisdictional Scope of Application of the EU Securitisation Regulation

Mayer Brown on

The European Supervisory Authorities (the "ESAs") have published an opinion on 25 March 2021 entitled "ESAs’ Opinion to the European Commission on the Jurisdictional Scope of Application of the Securitisation Regulation" (the...more

Mayer Brown

Amendments to the EU Securitisation Regulation – the new synthetic STS framework and adjustments in relation to non-performing...

Mayer Brown on

Overview - Two regulations amending the EU Securitisation Regulation1 and the Capital Requirements Regulation2 (the “CRR”) respectively have now come into force. Regulation (EU) 2021/557 of the European Parliament and...more

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

European Regulators Publish Joint Opinion on the Jurisdictional Scope of the EU Securitisation Regulation

Background - On 26 March 2021, the European Supervisory Authorities (the “ESAs”) published a Joint Opinion (the “Opinion”) on the jurisdictional scope of the obligations of the non-EU parties to securitisations under the...more

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

COVID-19 Update: Changes to the EU Securitisation Regulations and the Capital Regulation Reference

As discussed in our previous Clients and Friends Memo (the “First Update”), on 24 July 2020 the European Commission (the “Commission”) published proposed amendments to the current securitisation framework set out in...more

Dechert LLP

EBA Proposes Limits on Capital Relief for Securitisations

Dechert LLP on

Overview - The EU Capital Requirements Regulation, which came into effect in January 2014, mandated the European Banking Authority to report by 2 January 20212 on the regulatory approach to granting capital relief for...more

Hogan Lovells

Banking and finance regulatory news, November 2020 # 4

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Submission of statistical data: BoE Green Notice 2020/02 - The Bank of England (BoE) has published a Green Notice 2020/02 announcing future changes to the submission of statistical data to its Data and Statistics Division...more

Hogan Lovells

Banking and finance regulatory news, July 2020 #4

Hogan Lovells on

Reporting requirements: EBA questionnaire and call for case studies on cost of compliance - HM Treasury has published a statement on the applicability of COVID-19 related amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation...more

Mayer Brown

Recommendations for developing the EU securitisation market – Report by the High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union

Mayer Brown on

A recent report, entitled “A New Vision for Europe’s Capital Markets” (the “Report”), sets out some key recommendations for how the EU securitisation market can be scaled up. The Report has been published by the High Level...more

Mayer Brown

EBA publishes its report on the creation of an STS framework for synthetic securitisations

Mayer Brown on

Introduction - The European Banking Authority (the “EBA”) has recently published its report on the feasibility of a framework for simple, transparent and standardised (“STS”) synthetic securitisations (the “EBA Report”)....more

Latham & Watkins LLP

A Move Towards a New STS Framework for Synthetic Securitisations

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The EBA’s Final Report on the feasibility of a framework for Simple, Transparent and Standardised (STS) Synthetic Securitisations is a cautious step forward. Key Points: ..The EBA has made a proposal to extend the STS...more

Mayer Brown

The EU Securitisation Regulation – Where are we now?

Mayer Brown on

The EU Securitisation Regulation (the “Securitisation Regulation”) has been applicable since 1 January 2019. The purpose of this Legal Update is to summarise the key aspects of the Securitisation Regulation and related...more

Hogan Lovells

Summary of key U.S. and EU regulatory developments relating to securitization transactions

Hogan Lovells on

Overview - Numerous regulatory developments were enacted or proposed in the United States and the European Union in response to the financial crisis. Although some of the proposed changes are still in the process of being...more

Hogan Lovells

Debt Capital Markets – Global Insights – Spring 2020

Hogan Lovells on

We are delighted to present the Spring 2020 edition of Hogan Lovells’ Debt Capital Markets Global Insights. This draws together a collection of articles from across our global network, reflecting on current events and topical...more

Mayer Brown

Legal Update: regulatory technical standards on homogeneity for STS transactions published in official journal

Mayer Brown on

The EU has, on 6 November 2019, published in the Official Journal a delegated regulation (the “Delegated Regulation”) supplementing the EU Securitisation Regulation (the “Securitisation Regulation”) with regard to regulatory...more

A&O Shearman

EU Technical Standards On Homogeneity Conditions For STS Securitizations

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Regulatory Technical Standards under the EU Securitization Regulation on the conditions for a securitization to be considered "homogenous" have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Homogeneity is one...more

A&O Shearman

European Banking Authority Launches Consultation on Synthetic Securitizations Framework

A&O Shearman on

The European Banking Authority has launched a consultation on its proposed simple, transparent and standardized framework for synthetic securitization. The paper also seeks feedback from stakeholders on a proposed list of...more

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

Article 14 CRR Update

On 7 June 2019, Regulation (EU) 2019/876 (“CRR II”)[1] was published in the Official Journal of the EU. CRD II amends the Capital Requirements Regulation in a number of respects. For securitisation market participants, a key...more

A&O Shearman

European Commission Adopts Technical Standards on Homogeneity Conditions for STS Securitizations

A&O Shearman on

The European Commission has adopted draft Regulatory Technical Standards under the EU Securitization Regulation on the conditions for a securitization to be considered homogenous. Homogeneity is one of the requirements for a...more

A&O Shearman

Final EU Guidelines on Simple, Transparent and Standardized Criteria for Securitizations

A&O Shearman on

The European Banking Authority has published two sets of finalized guidelines under the Securitization Regulation which, along with targeted amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation, forms part of the new EU...more

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