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Sensitive Business Information Employees

Hendershot Cowart P.C.

Checklist: Texas Employment Agreements for Out-of-State Employers

Hendershot Cowart P.C. on

Multistate employers with employees in Texas are subject to state laws regarding employment agreements. Whether your business is large or small, specific provisions within your agreements could render your agreements...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Cap Table Confidential: Should Startup Employees Get a Peek?

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

I’m often asked whether employees should have access to the company’s cap table.  The cap table is one of the most sensitive and critical documents in any startup.  At its most basic level, it lays out who owns what –...more

Robinson+Cole Data Privacy + Security Insider

Woeful Lack of Training for Chatbot Use in Workplace

A new US National Cybersecurity Alliance survey  shows that over one-third (38%) of “employees share sensitive work information with artificial intelligence (AI) tools without their employer’s permission.” Not surprisingly,...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Remote Work Strategies for Managing Cybersecurity Teams

Managing a remote cybersecurity team at colleges and universities involves addressing a unique set of challenges to ensure the security of sensitive data and infrastructure. There is an additional overlay of potential...more

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