News & Analysis as of

Settlement Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Cherry Picking

Freiberger Haber LLP

Enforcement News: Cherry-Picking Scheme Back In The News

Freiberger Haber LLP on

Two weeks ago, this Blog wrote about an enforcement action involving an investment adviser’s former co-chief investment officer who had been charged with running a more than $600 million cherry-picking scheme (here). Today,...more


SEC Sues and Settles Claim Against Investment Adviser Representative For “Cherry-Picking Scheme” After Entry of Cease and Desist...

Goodwin on

​​​​​​​On September 13, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) announced a settlement with investment advisory firm Buckman Advisory Group LLC (“Buckman Advisory”) and its CEO Harry Buckman Jr. to settle...more

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