News & Analysis as of

Shopping Centers

Holland & Knight LLP

Lease Provisions That Make Retail Centers Ideal for Healthcare Tenants

Holland & Knight LLP on

In recent years, there has been a steady migration of healthcare providers becoming tenants in retail shopping centers. These healthcare tenants are operating urgent care clinics, physician offices, freestanding emergency...more

Cozen O'Connor

New York Note: Deputy Mayor for Public Safety, Fifth Ave, Health Commissioner

Cozen O'Connor on

Following the resignation of Phil Banks amid federal investigations into the Adams administration, Mayor Adams has announced the appointment of Chauncey Parker as the new Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. Parker has served as...more


Business Rates: Decisions About Material Changes of Circumstances “in the Locality”


The Valuation Tribunal recently considered the impact of the Rushden Lakes Shopping Centre in Northamptonshire on rental and hence rateable values in neighbouring towns. The opening of the Centre had adversely impacted...more

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

Canadian Competition Bureau Stakes Out Aggressive Stance on Property Controls in Preliminary Enforcement Guidance

Following the Canadian Competition Bureau’s 2023 Retail Grocery Market Study in which it recommended that provincial and territorial governments take measures to limit property controls in the grocery industry, including...more

Hinckley Allen

Easing Use Restrictions Opens Up Opportunities in Retail for Landlords and Tenants

Hinckley Allen on

Use restrictions—once rigidly dictated by anchor tenants—are undergoing significant transformations leading to new opportunities for retailers and landlords. Historically, retailers wielded considerable influence, often...more

Winstead PC

"Luxury Makeovers" Reinvigorate Classic Shopping Centers

Winstead PC on

A Dallas-based developer has acquired one of the oldest shopping centers in America and proposes to reinvigorate the center with a “luxury makeover.”...more

Hinckley Allen

3 Real Estate Considerations for the New Hybrid Model of Retail

Hinckley Allen on

Once thought to herald the demise of brick and mortar stores, online shopping is proving to be a critical element in the revival of the in-person retail shopping experience. The advent of online shopping forced a substantial...more

Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley

Injured at the Mall? Here’s What You Need to Know

Injuries can (and do) happen when you least expect it, even in so-called safe environments like shopping malls. Whether it’s a slip and fall, a collision with a shopping cart, or any other mishap, knowing what steps to take...more

Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP

Revised Liquor License Laws Provide New Potential Business Opportunities in New Jersey

On January 16, 2024, New Jersey enacted legislation that is expected to substantially boost the number of available liquor licenses statewide, and ease restrictions on craft breweries. The new law has provisions that are...more

Burr & Forman

The Re-Imagining of the American Shopping Mall

Burr & Forman on

Nearly 70 years ago the American shopping mall was born in Edina, Minnesota. Southdale Mall was the idea of the Godfather of the Shopping Mall, Victor Gruen. The Austrian-American architect immigrated to the United States in...more


Six Tips for Lenders Foreclosing a Shopping Center

Lowndes on

Foreclosing on a mall or shopping center presents unique issues for a lender. Failing to anticipate these issues could cause problems, such as a lengthier foreclosure process or a lower resale value after the foreclosure....more

Pillsbury - Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real...

The Case for Mixed-Use Retail Centers and Their Continued Investment Potential

Early pandemic fears that brick-and-mortar retail would not live to see the next decade look to be largely unfounded. Shopping centers remain a sound investment for private firms and large institutional investors alike, as...more


Exclusive Use Clauses in Shopping Center Leases

Lowndes on

Exclusive use clauses are not uncommon in shopping center leases. Tenants often request these clauses to prevent the landlord from renting space to other tenants who are competitors. Ideally, a shopping center includes a...more

Stark & Stark

10 Retailers to Watch for a Bankruptcy Filing in 2022

Stark & Stark on

The last half of 2021 was virtually a ghost town for filing retail bankruptcies. However, the rise of the Omicron variant has significantly delayed a full return to normal for shopping centers. ...more

Allen Matkins

Court Upholds Infill Development Categorical Exemption for Gas Station in Existing Shopping Center

Allen Matkins on

In Protect Tustin Ranch v. City of Tustin, 70 Cal. App. 5th 951 (2021), the court of appeal upheld a city’s reliance on the infill development categorical exemption under CEQA for a new gas station in an existing shopping...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

Malls and Shopping Centers Exempt From SafePass Requirements

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP on

Less than one week into LA’s SafePass proof of vaccine requirements for businesses went into effect, the Los Angeles City Council (the “Council”) voted 10-0 to remove malls and shopping centers as covered businesses. Mall...more

Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley

This Holiday Season – Let’s Focus on Safety Not Sales

Holiday Crowds – Black Friday Deals - Holiday shopping has begun! Consumers strategically making their lists and hitting the malls a month ahead of time are hopeful to avoid an expected shortfall of gift options. ...more

Holland & Knight LLP

California Court Clarifies 5-Acre Maximum Project Site Requirement Under CEQA Infill Exemption

Holland & Knight LLP on

In a recently published decision and a case of first impression, the California Court of Appeal has held that development limited to a 2.38-acre portion of an existing 12-acre shopping center qualified for the "infill...more

Allen Matkins

While Still Pessimistic, Retail Outlook Begins to Rebound

Allen Matkins on

Following a continued decline into pessimism, retail may be coming back from the bottom of the cycle, according to the latest Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Forecast California Commercial Real Estate Survey. The current view is...more


Briefcase Quarterly Update: Key Real Estate Cases - July 2021


Briefcase: Quarterly update on key real estate cases including: Pandemic Clause Included in Business Lease Renewal - ..A shopping centre lease renewal decision contains useful guidance on how the court will assess...more

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Repurposing Connecticut's Commercial Real Estate Market in the Wake of COVID-19

Pullman & Comley, LLC on

The myriad of public and private responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, including inter alia, full or partial stay-at-home orders, occupancy limits, spatial requirements and the like, have had a profound impact on the demand for...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

L.A. County Red Tier Reopening Imminent

On March 11, 2021, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (the “Department”) announced an anticipated reopening of certain activities between March 15 and March 17, as L.A. County moves to the lower risk Red Tier...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Financial Daily Dose 2.9.2021 | Top Story: Tesla Pours $1.5B into Bitcoin, Prompts Crypto Surge

Robins Kaplan LLP on

Tesla dropped an incredible $1.5 billion on bitcoin on Monday “and signaled its intent to begin accepting the cryptocurrency as a form of payment, sending prices to a record after the vote of confidence from the EV leader and...more

Barnea Jaffa Lande & Co.

New Supreme Court Ruling Considers Municipal Property Taxes for Common Areas in Malls and Shopping Centers

The Tel Aviv Municipality sent the Ramat Aviv Mall a municipal property tax bill for its common areas. The mall’s management argued that shop tenants must pay municipal property tax payments for these areas, under their lease...more


Simon says “Don’t Close Your Stores in My Shopping Centers”

Polsinelli on

Simon Property Group is at it again. Two years ago, Simon took the shopping center world by storm when it obtained an injunction preventing Starbucks Corporation from shuttering 77 of its Teavana stores in Simon malls across...more

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