News & Analysis as of

Shopping Centers Property Owners

Holland & Knight LLP

Lease Provisions That Make Retail Centers Ideal for Healthcare Tenants

Holland & Knight LLP on

In recent years, there has been a steady migration of healthcare providers becoming tenants in retail shopping centers. These healthcare tenants are operating urgent care clinics, physician offices, freestanding emergency...more

Downey Brand LLP

Update: Signature Gatherers and Solicitors

Downey Brand LLP on

As we head into another election cycle, several CGA members have asked about their rights with respect to unwanted signature gatherers and other solicitors. We’ve heard many stories about belligerent signature gatherers who...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Let’s Get Innovative! - Using short term deals to solve long term problems.

Goulston & Storrs PC on

There continues to be a lot of discussion throughout the commercial real estate industry about competition from online retailers and the holes created by failing and downsizing businesses that have traditionally focused on...more

Holland & Knight LLP

West Coast Real Estate Update: August 27, 2019

Holland & Knight LLP on

In Orozco v. WPV San Jose, LLC, California's Sixth District Court of Appeal upheld a decision by the Superior Court in Santa Clara County in support of a commercial tenant who sued his landlord for fraud. The tenant,...more

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