SBA’s Final Rule Is Here: Key Takeaways on Updates to HUBZone Program, Other Small Business Programs, and Various Small Business Matters
Uncovering Disparities: The CFPB's Small Business Lending Study – The Consumer Finance Podcast
Protect, Prepare, Prevail: Navigating a Complex Cybersecurity World
Preparing for Major Changes to DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBE Program
The Force is Strong with this One – Success and Paying it Forward with Co-Founder of ChannelAdvisor and Spiffy Scot Wingo
John Neiman on the Corporate Transparency Act
PilieroMazza Annual Review What DOJ’s Annual FCA Report Means for Government Contractors
1071 Rule Status — The Consumer Finance Podcast
The Fundamentals of Shareholder Litigation
Size and Status Recertification: What Is It and Why Does it Matter?
State AG Pulse | Vermont: Small Is Mighty
Consumer Finance Podcast Monitor Episode: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Final Section 1071 Rule on Small Business Data Collection: What You Need to Know, Part II, Guest David Skanderson
Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Final Section 1071 Rule on Small Business Data Collection: What You Need to Know, Part I
CFPB's Section 1071 Final Rule (Part 3): Potential Problem Areas – The Consumer Finance Podcast
CFPB's Section 1071 Final Rule (Part 2): Deep Dive on Data Collection and Discouragement - The Consumer Finance Podcast
Webinar | Negotiating with Goliath: How Startup GCs Can Navigate Power Differentials in Contracting
Lots of Developments in Small Business Finance - The Consumer Finance Podcast
From Rocket Scientist to EdTech Startup Founder, with STEMedia's Dr. Nehemiah Mabry
Podcast Series: Commercial Businesses New to Government Contracting: Ins and Outs of Federal Procurement Programs for Small Businesses
The Ins and Outs of Recertifications for Government Contractors
In this latest issue of The Entrepreneurs Report, we’ve compiled a range of data on venture, convertible note, and SAFE financing transactions in which the firm was involved during the third quarter of 2024, with the...more
On May 1, 2024, the SEC Small Business Capital Formation Committee submitted its accredited investor definition recommendations to the SEC. Currently, an investor may qualify as an accredited investor by meeting certain...more
Not long ago, the SEC hosted the Annual Small Business Forum. The Forum provides an opportunity to consider a broad array of issues affecting private companies as well as smaller public companies seeking to raise capital and...more
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced an upcoming meeting of its Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee on May 6, 2024. The meeting will include a discussion of Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) and...more
On March 5, 2024, the House will consider capital formation related legislation, H.R. 2799. This was originally introduced in April 2023 and reported out in July 2023. It is comprised of 19 separate bills. The House...more
As we previously posted, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee met last week to consider changes to the accredited investor definition, which has become a political hot...more
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently published its report on the Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation, which generates recommendations from participants that the SEC considers. The...more
In early June, the US House of Representatives passed two sets of bills focused on promoting capital formation. The bipartisan effort included bills that amend the accredited investor definition in order to increase the...more
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of the Investor Advocate held the 42nd Annual Small Business Forum—this time convening panels over four days on various topics, including trends and challenges affecting early...more
Speaking at a conference at Columbia University as part of the Columbia Law and Business Schools’ Program in the Law and Economics of Capital Markets, Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Uyeda shared his views...more
Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) released its report to Congress summarizing the principal policy recommendations made at the 41st Annual Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital...more
Top 10 Questions About Subchapter V Reorganization - Reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code offers powers and benefits that are simply not available in out-of-court restructurings. Chapter 11...more
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced that its Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on January 29, 2021. The meeting will be held by videoconference, and open to...more
As we had previously blogged, the Securities and Exchange Commission will hold its Small Business Forum on June 18, 2020, virtually. While the annual program always addresses critical capital formation issues, this year’s...more
The Securities and Exchange Commission released the report from the August 2019 Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation. The Annual Forum provides an opportunity for market participants to meet and...more
The SEC announced the new Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation will host a roundtable on May 6th, which will address, among other things, challenges faced by companies located outside of the “financing...more
In her first speech as the SEC’s Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation, Martha Miller provided an overview of the Office’s mission, as well as the Office’s priorities. Miller noted the importance of the small...more
CREDITO RICERCA E SVLUPPO (R&S) - Tutte le imprese anche le Start up innovative che effettuano investimenti in determinate attività di R&S possono beneficiare di un particolare credito d'imposta (ex 3 Dl 145/2013). ...more
On July 17, 2018, the House of Representatives passed the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act (JOBS Act 3.0), a package of reforms consisting of 32 pieces of legislation principally designed to spur entrepreneurship by...more
A company strongly inclined to technological innovation with no limitations as to the sector (from digital to manufacturing, from trade to agriculture) - Did you know there are many tax benefits (and otherwise) in the...more
On December 10, the SEC Small Business Advocate Act was approved by the Senate, clearing the way for signature by the President. The measure, which creates an advocacy office for the interests of small businesses within the...more
In the years following the JOBS Act, which created the term “emerging growth company” and made available certain disclosure and other accommodations to companies that qualified as EGCs, there has been renewed focus on scaled...more
Chairman Hensarling offered an amendment to a transportation and transportation bill, which includes a number of JOBS Act and other capital formation related bills that had received bipartisan support. The capital formation...more
At last week’s SEC Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies meeting, the Committee recommended that the SEC formalize the exemption in order to promote capital formation. Currently, there also is a pending bill,...more
In a recent article titled JOBS Act State of the Union (well worth a read in full), Samuel Guzik makes the case that the SEC has given up on creating rules to implement Title III crowdfunding under the JOBS Act. Title III of...more