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Small Business Estate Planning Business Ownership

Bennett Jones LLP

Bennett Jones Leading the Way in Employee Ownership Trusts

Bennett Jones LLP on

Effective January 1, 2024, Canada introduced detailed rules into the Income Tax Act (Canada) to facilitate and encourage employee ownership of small and medium sized Canadian businesses through the creation of employee...more

Cole Schotz

Death, Taxes and Shareholder Agreements: Lessons from the Connelly Case

Cole Schotz on

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Connelly v. United States, that the valuation of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation for federal estate tax purposes must include insurance proceeds received...more

Allen Barron, Inc.

Tax and Estate Planning for Small Business Owners and S Corporations with No Employees

Allen Barron, Inc. on

Many small business owners mistakenly believe business succession planning and estate planning is for those with substantial wealth. This is simply a myth which does not reflect the nature of business or home ownership....more

Husch Blackwell LLP

Unanimous Supreme Court Determines Company-Owned Life Insurance Increases Fair Market Value

Husch Blackwell LLP on

On June 6, 2024, the Supreme Court held 9-to-0 in Connelly v. United States that company-owned life insurance increases the company’s fair market value for estate tax purposes, and the company’s obligation to redeem a...more

Pillsbury - Propel

Estate Planning for Founders - Part II: Planning with Qualified Small Business Stock

Pillsbury - Propel on

This is the second of a four-part series focusing on estate planning fundamentals for founders. This article will address an important topic for owners of Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) as defined in Section 1202 of...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

Connelly v. United States Decision Affects Life Insurance for Closely Held Business Owners

Warner Norcross + Judd on

On June 6, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion regarding Connelly, as Executor of the Estate of Connelly v. United States. This final decision will directly impact all closely held business owners that...more

Perkins Coie

Supreme Court Clarifies Estate Tax Consequences for Closely Held Company

Perkins Coie on

The Supreme Court of the United States issued an important ruling on June 6, 2024, clarifying the federal tax consequences of certain succession plans for closely held businesses. The Court held in Connelly v. United States,...more

DarrowEverett LLP

Buy, Sell, Pay Taxes: SCOTUS Decision Places Its Own Premium on Buy-Sell Insurance

DarrowEverett LLP on

All U.S. closely held businesses just received a warning from the highest court in the land that they should review their succession plans (or else risk a higher tax bill for the estates of their owners). On June 6, 2024, the...more

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