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Venable LLP

The On-Ramp: An Autonomous, Connected, and Electric Mobility Newsletter - March 2024

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Welcome to The On-Ramp, the newsletter published by Venable's Autonomous and Connected Mobility Team. The On-Ramp explores legal and policy developments in the world of autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure, emerging...more

Woods Rogers

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and its Impact on SWaM and DBE Programs

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On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. The $1.75 trillion infrastructure bill, which is the largest investment in...more

Cooley LLP

Blog: Opportunities for Small Businesses in the Government Market

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The US Government is the single largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, and its annual goal is to award 23% of its prime contract dollars to small businesses. For fiscal 2013, that amounted to nearly $84...more

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