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Small Business Tax Reform Shareholders

DarrowEverett LLP

Accidental Termination on Purpose? S Corp Ruling Could Be Huge For QSBS Owners

DarrowEverett LLP on

Qualified Small Business Stock (“QSBS”) is arguably one of the largest “gifts” Congress has given taxpayers by excluding from a shareholder’s gross income the greater of $10 million or 10 times the shareholder’s basis in the...more


Lawyers on Tap: Tap Tips for Entity Formation and Taxation

Verrill on

In this episode of Verrill Voices: Lawyers on Tap, Verrill Dana attorneys Jennifer Green and Jonathan Dunitz discuss the importance of entity formation to the overall success of a brewery business, and the differences between...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Main Effects of U.S. Tax Reform on Foreign Taxpayers

Holland & Knight LLP on

President Donald Trump signed the U.S. tax reform bill previously entitled the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law on December 22, 2017, enacting comprehensive U.S. tax reform with most provisions becoming effective starting on...more

Burr & Forman

President Signs New Tax Law: The Return of Corporations for Small Businesses?

Burr & Forman on

President Trump signed into law a major overhaul of the US tax system. The corporate tax rates have changed from a system of graduated tax rates up to 35% to a flat tax on corporate profits of 21%. The alternative minimum tax...more

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