News & Analysis as of

Small Business Women-Owned Businesses EDWOSB

Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP

SBA WOSB/EDWOSB Rule Updates Outside Employment Requirements & Status Protest Rules

Applicable to all solicitations issued on or after January 3, 2025, a Small Business Administration (SBA) final rule published earlier this month updates a number of regulations within the SBA Women-Owned Small Business...more

Potomac Law Group, PLLC

Important Obligations for WOSB and EDWOSB Businesses - What You Should Know

Potomac Law Group, PLLC on

If you are a woman-owned small business (WOSB) or an economically disadvantaged woman-owned small business (EDWOSB) that has been certified by the Small Business Administration (SBA) or an approved third-party certifier to...more

Potomac Law Group, PLLC

Control Requirements for WOSB and EDWOSB

Potomac Law Group, PLLC on

If you are a woman-owned small business seeking woman-owned small business (WOSB) or economically disadvantaged woman-owned small business (EDWOSB) certification for use in seeking federal contracting opportunities, you need...more

Jenner & Block

Government Contracts Legal Round-Up – 2024 Issue 11

Jenner & Block on

Claims Update - Peraton, Inc. v. United States, No. 23-1539 Fed. Cl. (May 10, 2024) - The Court of Federal Claims rejected the government’s motion to dismiss a contractor’s claims alleging breach of an end-user software...more

Potomac Law Group, PLLC

Explaining the Basics - EDWOSB and WOSB Certifications

If you are a woman-owned business, you may be eligible for federal contracting opportunities under the WOSB (woman-owned small business) and/or EDWOSB (economically disadvantaged woman-owned small business) programs....more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

SBA 8(a) Program Regulatory Changes: Size Determinations and Multiple Award ‎Contracts

On April 27th, the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) published a final rule making changes to the regulations governing the 8(a) program. This final rule is SBA’s implementation of the proposed rules issued by the...more

Venable LLP

Congressional, Executive, and Legal Developments for Government Contractors to Consider

Venable LLP on

Each month, Venable's Government Contracts Group publishes a summary of recent legal developments of interest to the government contractor community. Regulatory Updates - The FAR Council has proposed to amend the FAR...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Government...

Small Business Administration (SBA) Programs (Guide 2 Of 4)

Many government programs exist to help small businesses—especially minority-owned small businesses—secure a foothold in government contracting. Read on to learn more about some common programs, the basic eligibility...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Women-Owned Small Business Self-Certification Ends October 15, 2020 When SBA Begins Requiring Formal Government-Issued Or...

Beginning October 15, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”), implementing the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”), will begin requiring women-owned small businesses (“WOSBs”) and economically...more

Baker Donelson

New Certification Process for Woman-Owned Small Businesses Effective July 15

Baker Donelson on

The Small Business Administration (SBA) Final Rule on Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) Certification (the Final Rule) takes effect on July 15, 2020, with...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

SBA’s New WOSB / EDWOSB Certification Requirement and 8(a) Economic Disadvantage Criteria Revisions

PilieroMazza PLLC on

The Small Business Administration recently published a final rule that will impact businesses competing for contracts under the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program and those companies seeking admission to the 8(a)...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

[Webinar] SBA’s New WOSB / EDWOSB Certification Requirement and 8(a) Economic Disadvantage Criteria Revisions: What You Need to...

PilieroMazza PLLC on

The Small Business Administration recently published a final rule that will impact businesses competing for contracts under the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program and those companies seeking admission to the 8(a)...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

SBA Issues Long-Awaited Rule on Women-Owned Small Business Certification

The Small Business Administration (SBA) recently published its long-awaited final rule implementing a 2015 statutory requirement to certify Women-Owned Small Business Concerns (WOSBs) and Economically Disadvantaged...more

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