Unpacking the Fifth Circuit's Landmark Tornado Cash Decision — The Crypto Exchange Podcast
From Court to Code: Smart Contracts and Arbitration
What is sufficient originality for copyright? What is substantial similarity for copyright infringement? The latest artificial intelligence and intellectual property cases – authors lost contributory
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Exploring DAOs
Hsu Untied interview with Joseph Perkins, Partner at Orrick
What You Need to Know About NFTs - Digital Planning Podcast
Tokenization of IP Rights and NFTs in Commercial Finance [More with McGlinchey, Ep. 32]
NFTs 101: The Basics of Non-Fungible Tokens, and Beyond
The Crypto Episode
Cryptocurrency, Legitimate Uses, and Legal Issues
Jones Day Presents: Advantages of Blockchain in Trade Finance
Jones Day Presents: What is Smart Code and How Does it Relate to Smart Contracts?
Jones Day Presents: Smart Contracts and Blockchain
While the cryptocurrency industry is still relatively young, its adoption by various economic sectors and the evolution of the technology itself is growing, along with the tokenization of assets, AI-powered smart contracts,...more
On November 26, 2024, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that “immutable” smart contracts are not “property” for purposes of regulation by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control...more
The court ruled OFAC overstepped its authority in sanctioning Tornado Cash, holding that its smart contracts are not “property” under the governing statutes....more
Carey Olsen has contributed to The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide 2024 for Blockchain. The aim of this guide is to provide its readers with a pragmatic overview of the law and practice of blockchain law across a variety...more
New Crypto Payment and Staking Services Launch, Bank to Pilot Crypto Trading - According to recent reports, Transak, a leading payments infrastructure provider for crypto and NFTs, has announced a strategic collaboration...more
Following one of the most turbulent years in crypto history, 2023, in contrast, unfolded as a year of reprieve, including from crypto threats. According to a July 12, 2023, report from blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis,...more
A federal court’s dismissal of claims against a decentralized cryptocurrency platform and its investors for the actions of scam token issuers is a case of first impression with wider significance. On August 29, 2023, the...more
In this episode of the Digital Planning Podcast Jen Zegel, Justin Brown, and Ross Bruch discuss planning considerations for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO’s)....more
New ERC-4337 Smart Contract Standard Released to Enhance Wallet Security - According to reports, Ethereum has deployed a new feature known as “account abstraction,” which has been in development for two years and can “make...more
2022 promises to be a defining year for digital assets and blockchain, as governments move from a watch and wait position to delivering regulatory frameworks and taking strides to harness the potential of the technology....more
Seven years ago, Ethereum launched and became the predominant blockchain for developers to build decentralized applications powered by smart contracts (dApps). By leveraging Ethereum's smart-contract compatibility, developers...more
Decentralized finance platforms (DeFi) are designed to operate in a decentralized manner primarily through the utilization of smart contracts. Smart contracts are simply a name given to small “if/then” statements written in...more
Editor’s Note: On August 17, 2022, The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) under the leadership of Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad, hosted HaystackID as we collectively shared an educational webcast developed to...more
Takeaways - ..The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued the first-ever smart contracts sanction, and its decision to sanction a nonperson may be challenged in court. ..The U.S....more
As Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have exploded into public consciousness, new types of DAOs are proliferating. A novel use case for DAOs, termed “ImpactDAOs”, are defined as “any DAO that creates net positive...more
“Decentralization” refers to the movement of supervision and decision-making away from a single central actor, and toward a dispersed network of actors. Such networks are facilitated by the use of blockchain technology and...more
Staking a claim over land is a concept that we are all familiar with, but what happens when “land” ceases to be physical land as we know it, or put simply when real estate ceases to be real – how might we transact with...more
The Metaverse is an immersive world combining virtual reality and augmented reality, where users are represented by avatars and roam virtual spaces. It comprises a variety of platforms and environments that can be explored,...more
Takeaways - Most existing agreements covering the exploitation of intellectual property rights did not contemplate how NFTs should be treated. Drafting and negotiating agreements involving NFTs requires an...more
SEC Settles First-Of-Its-Kind $13m DeFi Tech Action; NASDAQ Board Diversity Rules Challenged in Fifth Circuit; Delaware Court of Chancery Declines to Enforce Contractual Limitations on Liability to Bar Contractual Fraud...more
On August 6, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it had charged two men, Gregory Keough and Derek Acree, and their company, Blockchain Credit Partners, doing business as DeFi Money Market...more
Recent news coverage has highlighted two potentially watershed moments in the FinTech revolution: the rise of Decentralized Finance (“DeFi”) that challenges both traditional FinTechs and legacy financial institutions alike,...more