JONES DAY TALKS®: Collective Actions in Spain: A Look Around and the View Ahead
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in Spain
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in Spain
Viewpoints: President José María Aznar Examines Economic Landscape in Latin America
Open for Business: Who's Investing in Latin America
Reducing the wage gap continues to be one of the European Union’s strategic objectives. To this end, on May 10, 2023, Directive 2023/970 was issued to reinforce the principle of equal pay between men and women who perform the...more
The 2024 Summer Olympic Games began Friday, July 26. To celebrate this international event, Littler offices around the globe will share key changes in labor and employment laws that have transpired since the last time their...more
Labor Reform - New Legislation Enacted - Law 32/2021 of December 28, published on December 30, 2021, provides urgency measures for labor reform, the guarantee of employment stability, and the transformation of the labor...more