Before we dive into ways to prepare for your post-separation support and alimony case, it's important to understand what these terms mean and your general eligibility for spousal support. There are two types of spousal...more
Before we dive into ways to prepare for your post-separation support and alimony case, it's important to understand what each of these terms mean and your general eligibility for spousal support. There are two types of...more
In British Columbia, child support is determined primarily by using the Federal Child Support Guidelines. These Guidelines set out a structured way to calculate support. But, what happens when one or both parents have high...more
For many people, once they resolve their divorce, they are so ready to be done, they put off or forget to wrap up the final loose ends. This can be a costly mistake because many post-divorce action items need to be...more
I recently talked with family law attorney Robert Salzer on the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s “Law in the Family” podcast about “gray divorce” and the considerations related to parties divorcing later in life. There’s no...more
Engagement season is a time of joy and excitement, as couples celebrate their love and plan for a future together. Amid the whirlwind of wedding planning, one practical step that can strengthen your partnership is creating a...more
Adultery can have various impacts on a divorce case in South Carolina. Here are some ways adultery might affect a divorce: Grounds for Divorce: In S.C., adultery is a ground for divorce, meaning it can be cited as the reason...more
Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that also brings substantial financial considerations, with three of the most significant financial aspects of a divorce being alimony (spousal support), child support, and...more
Divorce and family law litigation can be gut-wrenching. When a judge makes decisions for a family regarding child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, and property division, it can be overwhelming for many....more
The Federal Child Support Guidelines, SOR/97 175 (the Guidelines), established by the Governor in Council (GIC) under the Divorce Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), determine the amount of child support to be paid in case of...more
When parties separate in anticipation of divorce, there are several key financial considerations that must be addressed at the outset. Who’s staying in the residence? Who’s paying support to whom, what, if anything, do we do...more
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) previously announced a new spousal protection policy in keeping with the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to keep families together....more
One of the universal themes in divorce matters is that the court is supposed to try to maintain the status quo while the case is pending. In many cases where there is barely enough money to go around to support an intact...more
We have been reading recently about a new life phenomenon called “quiet quitting.” Essentially the concept is that one or both spouses are done with the relationship but neither has the energy or the resources to move on...more
While it is standard practice that an asset will be valued and divided in a divorce, what happens when the same asset that was divided between spouses is also used to generate income for support? In such divorce cases, a...more
In divorce proceedings, both parties are obligated to transparently disclose their assets, debts, and income. Although the law mandates truthful reporting of earnings to the court, some individuals choose to deceive by...more
While many of us were struggling to keep recent New Year’s resolutions going, new laws went into effect on January 26, 2024 that altered the landscape of divorce in the District of Columbia....more
Since not many of us live in the private aircraft world we will keep this blog mercifully short. The Wall Street Journal on Friday April 12 reported on an audit of Boeing’s deployment of their fleet of executive aircraft....more
My colleague Jessica Kitain wrote last month (2/14) about the basics of what goes into a premarital/prenuptial agreement. Today we fielded an inquiry about some of the stickier questions that often go unnoticed yet merit some...more
Most parties going through a divorce or family law matter understand what a trial encompasses. A trial in a divorce or family law matter is a contested hearing. At the contested hearing, witnesses are called, and evidence is...more
Most understand that a court enters a judgment after a contested divorce or family law matter results in a trial. In the judgment, the court enters a ruling in terms of the result of the case. The case outcome binds the...more
Business records can be vital to divorce or family law matters. Business records can become important in various ways. Business records could comprise of many types: employment, medical, school, investment, retirement,...more
In Iowa, child and spousal support (alimony) amounts are mainly determined by each party’s income. But income is not the whole story. Parties may deduct certain qualified expenses, resulting in a lower income amount used in...more
Under Iowa law, alimony, also known as spousal support, refers to the financial help provided by one spouse to the other following a divorce or separation. It addresses the economic disparity that can arise when one spouse...more
These facts come before courts throughout the Commonwealth every day. Father has a $340 a month support order. He is not paying. He quit his job and professed he could not find substitute employment. He said he had no money...more