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Stalking Harassment Domestic Violence

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

Zero Tolerance: Implementing Workplace Violence Prevention Policies and Best Practices

Discover how implementing prevention policies and adopting best practices can foster a secure, productive, and respectful workplace. Every employee deserves to feel safe at work, yet incidents of workplace violence remain...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

NY State Rifle Case “Recoils” to Re-Arm Domestic Abusers

Fox Rothschild LLP on

In a decision published on February 2, 2023 the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that a federal law barring domestic abusers from possessing guns while protection from abuse orders are in effect violates the 2nd...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

Campus Climate Surveys Required by Recent Reauthorization of VAWA

Bricker Graydon LLP on

Colleges and universities that receive federal funding will soon be required to administer campus climate surveys every two years on issues related to dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and...more

Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Myers,...

Getting a Domestic Violence Restraining Order - What You Need to Know

Family law clients are often told to “go get a restraining order” when someone has stalked them or threatened them with acts of domestic violence. More often than not, this is sound advice. However, there are times when the...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Westchester County, New York to Require Paid Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence

Covered Employees and Use of Leave Effective October 30, 2019, Westchester County, NY employers will be required to provide paid leave to employees who are victims of domestic violence or human trafficking.  Leave under the...more

Foley Hoag LLP - Trademark, Copyright &...

Implied Threat on Facebook Insufficient to Support Stalking Conviction

Last month, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) held that a Facebook profile may constitute a “threat” within the meaning of the Massachusetts stalking statute. However, a profile that is merely “vaguely ominous or...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

12 New Laws California Employers Need To Know

California Governor Jerry Brown has recently signed into law numerous bills that will impact California employers. The most notable new California statutes, and one new San Francisco Ordinance, are summarized below. All...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

EEOC Suggests That Title VII and ADA May Apply to Employment Situations Involving Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Neither Title VII of the Civil Rights Act nor the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically prohibits discrimination against individuals who may be victims of domestic or dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking....more

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