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International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ARGENTINIAN LAW - I. INTRODUCTION. Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly...more

International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina (Updated)

Key Facts of Real Estate Acquisitions Under Argentinian Law - I. INTRODUCTION. Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly...more

International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ARGENTINIAN LAW - Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly governed by the Argentine...more

International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ARGENTINIAN LAW - I. INTRODUCTION. Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly governed...more

International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER ARGENTINIAN LAW - I. INTRODUCTION. Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly governed...more

International Lawyers Network

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina

I. INTRODUCTION. Below you will find a brief outline of the legal regulation of the acquisition of real estate property in Argentina, which is mainly governed by the Argentine Civil and Commercial Code (“CCC”). II....more

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