News & Analysis as of

Stare Decisis Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo

Snell & Wilmer

Sixth Circuit Gives Insight on a Post-Chevron World: What the Set Aside of Net Neutrality Tells Us About Scope of Agency Power

Snell & Wilmer on

We have previously written about two consolidated cases (Loper Bright and Relentless), in which the Supreme Court reversed a decades-old rule known as the Chevron doctrine. Broadly, the Chevron doctrine required courts to...more

Holland & Knight LLP

What's Next for the Regulatory Landscape Post-Chevron?

Holland & Knight LLP on

For nearly 40 years and in more than 18,000 judicial opinions, federal courts have used the Chevron doctrine to defer to an agency's reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous statute. On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court...more

Venable LLP

Impact of Loper Bright on International Trade Issues

Venable LLP on

Recently, Venable's Government Division offered its general thoughts on the fallout from the Supreme Court's reversal of the long standing Chevron deference principle. Here, the International Trade and Logistics Group offers...more

Venable LLP

Healthcare Impacts in a Post-Chevron World

Venable LLP on

The Supreme Court's landmark June 28, 2024 decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo abandoned the Chevron doctrine after 40 years of deferring to agency interpretations of ambiguous laws. As previewed in our June 28...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

U.S. Supreme Court Overrules The Chevron Doctrine

Bricker Graydon LLP on

For 40 years, the federal courts have deferred to the statutory construction adopted by administrative agencies where an authorizing statute was either ambiguous or left a gap that required further interpretation. In such...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

US Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Deference to Agencies in Loper Bright and Relentless

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The decision establishes that courts, not federal regulatory agencies, have final authority over the meaning of federal laws implicating those agencies and the limits on their authority. On June 28, 2024, the US Supreme...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron in Far-Reaching Decision Limiting the Power of Administrative Agencies

Womble Bond Dickinson on

On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court issued its eagerly anticipated rulings in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce and explicitly overruled the doctrine of “Chevron deference,”...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

The Supreme Court Update - June 28, 2024

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

The Supreme Court of the United States issued four decisions today: Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, No. 22-451; Relentless v. Department of Commerce, No. 22-1219: These cases, decided in a single opinion, address...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Deference, Lets Courts Exercise Their Own Independent Judgment

Holland & Knight LLP on

The U.S. Supreme Court overruled Chevron deference in its decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo on June 28, 2024. Chevron – a central doctrine of administrative law – had stood since 1984....more


With Chevron Gone What Comes Next?

WilmerHale on

The Supreme Court took the long-anticipated step of overruling Chevron U. S. A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U. S. 837 (1984). The majority decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo means that...more

Miller Canfield

The End of Chevron: Administrative Power Shifts to the Courts

Miller Canfield on

The United States Supreme Court has effectively vanquished the Chevron doctrine, which has governed the power of federal agencies to interpret federal statutes for the last 40 years. In recent years, the Chevron doctrine has...more

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP

Key Takeaways for Heavily Regulated Industries From the Supreme Court's Chevron Ruling

Forty years ago, the Supreme Court adopted a doctrine that has allowed federal agencies to make the final call on interpreting ambiguous laws. Today, the court overruled that doctrine and held that courts, not agencies, are...more

Venable LLP

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron: Agency Deference in Flux

Venable LLP on

In a monumental opinion issued today, the U.S. Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overruled Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., holding (6-3) that deference to an agency's...more


Supreme Court Overrules ‘Chevron’ Deference to Agencies

BakerHostetler on

Note from your Adventures In Law Blog editors: Well, just today the Supreme Court overruled the Chevron case in Loper Bright, which provided deference to agency interpretations of ambiguous law in the statutes they...more

Holland & Knight LLP

U.S. Supreme Court May Soon Discard or Modify Chevron Deference

Holland & Knight LLP on

For nearly 40 years and in more than 18,000 judicial opinions, federal courts have used the Chevron doctrine to defer to an agency's reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous statute. Under the doctrine, named for the 1984...more

Hicks Johnson

Supreme Court Takes on the Chevron Doctrine

Hicks Johnson on

On January 17, 2024, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in tandem cases Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc., et al. v. Dept. of Commerce, et al., which ask whether the court should overrule one of...more

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