Episode 345 -- Raytheon Pays $950 Million to Resolve Fraud, FCPA, ITAR and False Claims Act Violations
The ‘Long Arm’ of CIPA and Its Newfound Pen-Trap Claims
Episode 119 -- The Ericsson FCPA Settlement
Yesterday might ultimately be remembered as among the most consequential days in the history of the Supreme Court and the nation. That will be determined when a decision in Trump v. Anderson is issued....more
On December 5, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States in Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer, declined to substantively address a question businesses across the country have been eager to resolve: That is, whether a “tester”...more
Although the Supreme Court already has heard a number of significant arguments, this term has not yet seen any major substantive opinions. This is not to say that there isn’t a lot going on at, or on the way to, the Court....more
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued its much anticipated ruling in Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer vacating the matter as moot. Doing so, SCOTUS left private business owners grappling with the existing...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: SCOTUS’s refusal to clarify standing requirements for “tester” plaintiffs in ADA Title III lawsuits means it’s business as usual for the plaintiffs’ bar....more
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued one decision: Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer, No. 22-429: Deborah Laufer sued hundreds of hotels under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: SCOTUS asked revealing questions in Wednesday's Acheson v. Laufer oral argument, but left attendees wondering whether the Court will provide much-needed guidance on the so-called “tester standing” issue...more
Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will hear the case of Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Laufer and finally resolve the question of whether “tester” plaintiffs have standing to sue a hotel company that fails to...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: SCOTUS grants certiorari on an ADA Title III case for the first time in 18 years to resolve a circuit split on whether an ADA plaintiff has standing to sue without having any intention of frequenting the...more