Episode 345 -- Raytheon Pays $950 Million to Resolve Fraud, FCPA, ITAR and False Claims Act Violations
The ‘Long Arm’ of CIPA and Its Newfound Pen-Trap Claims
Episode 119 -- The Ericsson FCPA Settlement
The Colorado Attorney General’s (AG) Office recently entered into a settlement agreement with Bee’s Knees Enterprises, LLC, dba Bee’s Knees CBDs, addressing allegations of violations of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act...more
CBD continues to flourish in the markets despite lack of federal regulations, and we’ve identified some significant events that indicate there’s no sign it’s stopping. ...more
LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS & STANDARDS - FDA Issues Warning Letters, Consumer Update On CBD, Sparking Litigation Against CBD Cos. - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a consumer update on cannabidiol...more