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Supplemental Authority

Ballard Spahr LLP

CFPB Refiles its Notice of Supplemental Authority in Support of its Motion to Transfer Venue under Section 1406(a) and Motion and...

Ballard Spahr LLP on

On July 18, 2024, in the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s credit card late fee rule (Rule), the CFPB refiled its notice of supplemental authority in support of its motion to dismiss or transfer the case, motion to dissolve the...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Use As Directed: The Powers And Pitfalls Of Rule 28(j) Letters In Appellate Advocacy

Robins Kaplan LLP on

During my tenure as a judicial clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, I found the most misused element of appellate practice to be submissions of supplemental authority under Federal Rule of Appellate...more

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