In the quest for a sustainable future, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent goalposts, albeit lofty ones, that countries can aim for. These 17 interconnected goals address pressing global...more
As an industry that accounts for approximately 38% of all emissions globally, the construction community will continue to focus its efforts on reducing emissions, such as by building with less waste, reusing materials,...more
A large proportion of all electrical appliances in Germany are simply thrown away, because repairing your toaster, your TV or your smartphone would be more expensive than just buying a new one. This is a waste of resources...more
To meet the ambitious targets set by the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the finance markets must be utilised to a much greater degree to enable sustainable projects and allow access to wider sources of capital....more
Since their introduction in 2017, social bonds issuances have increased in popularity as an alternative or additional sustainable option to the green bond market. Social bonds allow issuers to raise funds that provide support...more
In a significant development for ESG and corporate governance, BlackRock is now calling on the public companies it invests in to publish disclosures in line with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the...more
How to stay ahead of the curve, minimize future costs of compliance and feed the growing demand from investors for responsible products and services - Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is accelerating...more
In recent years environmental, social and governance ("ESG") factors have become a key discussion point within asset management, with many managers now incorporating ESG considerations within their investment processes. One...more
ESG is not a new phenomenon, but its significance for asset managers is growing. With continued media scrutiny of sustainability and environmental pressures, "millennials" forming a greater proportion of the investing...more
Post-crisis commercial mortgage-backed securities ("CMBS") issuance in Europe has been on the slow-burner with only a handful of transactions each year. The year 2018 saw European "CMBS 2.0" experience something of a revival...more
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030 ("SDGs"). The SDGs include ending poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality, tackling climate change and...more